Chapter 34 - Torn Apart

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At the realisation of what Luffy did unfolds, the aftermath was quick to follow. Guards began flooding into the auction house, only managing to complicate things further as they rushed to apprehend the perpetrators they'd identified. No doubt the message had been sent out to the headquarters, an Admiral soon to grace us with their presence at the crime that had just taken place.

 Despite my annoyance at the impressive number of marines that were quick to surround the island, their yells easy to hear over the chaos that was ensuing, I knew deep down that with Luffy's personality, this development was inevitable. He wasn't one to put up with the pretences of the aristocracy, with little mind to the consequences his actions would bring. It was certainly a sight to see when Robin and Usopp managed to crash through and land arse-first on a noble's head, making the situation worse. A deep pride was installed at the spectators comments, who were murmuring that the entire Straw Hat crew must be off their marbles. 

After freeing Keimi from the giant, clear bowl the slave traders had thought appropriate as a cage in their retched minds, we continued fighting the guards that blocked our exit. As the havoc ensued, a noble chose that moment to end this all on her own terms by putting a bullet through Keimi's head, reaching and pointing the gun at the shaking mermaid. Before the shot was made, she suddenly drops to the ground with her eyes rolled back, clearly unconscious. The suddenness of the development was baffling, with the rest of us looking around the room to see what had caused the women to drop so abruptly. 

Our attention was pulled to the back walls that began to crack as someone, or something, barges through them. Debris and rubble went flying every which way from the force of the collision forced those nearby to duck for cover, and a large figure, who could only be a giant, and a tall man walked out onto the raised platform.

The mysterious man began to converse with Hachi with such familiarity, we knew that this had to be his contact on the island we'd been told about prior. When he managed to make the entire room pass out, both guards and pirates littering the floor as the force of his unknown power managed to knock a majority of the company out, we knew this person was far stronger than the helpless old man image he seems to portray.

"I've wanted to meet you, Monkey D Luffy" Most of us were shocked by his announcement, his comment showing us that this chance meeting was no coincedence. When he moved to remove Keimi's collar, panic was quick to take over at his careless action, knowing that the wrong move would blow Keimi's head off into oblivion. I rushed forward with a yell in protest, deciding the old man must be out of his mind. What was even more surprising was the fact that he was able to remove the explosive collar, without a hint of a bruise left behind.

"Don't fret young one, how do you think I removed mine?" A light-hearted chuckle could be heard in the quietness that had been quick to take over the room at his entrance. Despite no harm being done, I was still agitated at the man's disposition, finding him to be too careless, even if he knew what he was doing. Even experts managed to mess things up if they weren't serious in their task.

"That's still dangerous Oji-san" My arms crossed as I scolded the man, all he could respond with was sheepish grin, throwing a small apology to try and appease my anger. The others could only look on with blank faces, probably at the bizarre nature of our situation. 

Commotion could be heard from outside, becoming loader with each moment, and it was easy to deduce that the Marine reinforcements had arrived. An announcement was bleared from a loudspeaker, demanding that we release the world nobles, thinking that we were holding them hostage.

Eustass Kid, another supernova and captain who had happened to be in the auction house during the commotion, informed Trafalgar and Luffy that he would handle the marines outside. Though with his condescending tone, I knew either captain would take the taunt well, their ego and pride at stake.

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