Chapter 14 - Redemption

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Hey guys I know I haven't updated in a while but it's just I have exams and its been so hectic for me. Anyway I'm updating because it was my birthday and I wanted to do something I enjoyed so I hope you like it :3


Nami's POV

I hadn't realised how angry I would feel if one of us would leave until Lana was forced to leave the crew and join the Foxy Pirates. It was clear that this had taken a huge toll on us as a crew and individually, she had come to mean a lot to us, but what really did it for us was what she said. Is that what she really thought? That she was easily disposable? Hadn't she known or realised how important she was to us, how she was irreplaceable from the moment she had agreed to join us in our escapades.  

Though it was evident that out of us all, the ones that seemed the most effected and the angriest were Sanji, Zoro and Luffy. I could understand Zoro and Luffy's emotions, Luffy of course having blood relations and Zoro's clear fondness for the girl not going unrealised, but I had thought Sanji had gotten past that stage of holding romantic affections for her, having not displayed any telling behaviours recently. It seemed I was wrong on that assumption. 

"Okay, everyone gather around" I mustered up enough energy left in me, taking the lead because it was clear that Luffy was in no condition to do so. Not that he usually was in the right head space to lead a bunch of unruly pirates when he was the craziest of us all, though now it was more because he was emotionally stunted rather than intellectually. 

"We need to win the next round, both for Lana and our's sakes. Seeing as Lana was supposed to play the next round it's only going to be Sanji and you Zoro which leaves us at a disadvantage. They already notified us of a ban from changing the players at the beginning when we handed in the list, so you two are gonna be on your own" I pointed at the two who could only sneer at each other at the notion. It wasn't difficult to see that we were going to have problems with cooperation, it hadn't been an issue when we had Lana with us who was notorious for sorting the trouble children of our crew, but now we would have to make do.

"Listen I know you too hate each other but do this for Lana" I snapped, not having the energy to even try and corral them together. Though it seemed to snap them out off the glaring contest they were having and as if on instinct we all looked up to try and spot Lana within the crowd.

It wasn't hard, we spotted her being held in place by some type of gorilla man as the pointed nose lady we had raced in the first round tried to force a mask on her face. Just seeing her like that made me really angry and I couldn't even imagine what the others were feeling as they were closer to her.

"Okay, let's do this"

~Time Lapse~

Lana's POV

I can't believe we won. They actually did it and won. I woke up the next morning feeling light headed, elated at not having to live with the Foxy Pirates for the remainder of my life. Really I wouldn't have let it get that far, at some point I would have just made a run for it, consequences be damned.

We were currently sailing away, the retched islands far behind us, to wherever the Log Post, a common navigational device that was used to sail the Grand Line, was directing us next. Climbing out of the girl's room which was nestled far below deck, I stepped onto the wooden deck to be met with the ocean breeze blowing through my hair. I sighed happily at the nostalgic feeling the weather brought on.


"Lana get out onto the deck now!" Smoker shouted at me from outside my room. His fists pounding at the door to the point I thought he would smash the wood off its hinges. I pulled my blankets over my head, hoping to drown out the incessant noise he was adamant on making this early in the morning. Despite the exhaustion from the previous night shift, I couldn't help but tease the strict man.

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