Chapter 45 - The Start of New Adventures

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"Hey Lana, wake up. Sanji's cooked something, and he told me to come wake you up" A disgruntled voice spoke as a hand came to rest on my shoulder. My eyelids were heavy with sleep, and just managed to crack open to spot Zoro's bright green hair pocking out from under his hat. I hummed in agreement, registering his words but not having the willpower to get up just yet. Rolling over, I snuggling further into the soft sheets, pulling them further over my head as the draft that came in with Zoro's entrance cooled the once warm room. Just as I was falling in slumber once more, I wasn't expecting the large oaf to sit on me, crushing me under his weight.

"Okay, okay. I'm up" I muttered, pushing him away so I could sit up. He moved so he was sitting beside me, his hand reaching to push some wayward strands out of my face. I yawned with exhaustion, but feeling significantly better than I did before. Through the small window I could spot the darkened skies showing the approach to dusk, dark snow clouds making it appear later than it was. I threw the pile of blankets off to stand, a few bones cracking as I stretched. 

"Come on, get washed. I'll wait outside" Zoro stated, already moving to stand outside the room as I made my way to the small en-suite the girls shared. Washing up, I threw on a warm pair of trousers with a thick jumper, before shrugging on my fur-lined red cloak jacket, along with a woollen hat seeing as the approaching night would only cause the temperature to drop further.

I walked out to see Zoro leaning against the far wall, his shoulders relaxed as his head slumped forward. Approaching the tall man, it was to my surprise to see him asleep, soft snores ringing through the empty hallway. The sight was endearing enough, with me realising how exhausted he must have been to fall asleep standing up, something I hadn't seen him do in quite a while. Tapping his arm, he was quick to wake, though seeing my barely withheld laughs caused him to turn away with embarrassment, him muttering to himself as he nudged me to stop my chuckles.

"You really are one of a kind, Moss-head" I stated with a smile, adjusting his hat to cover his short green hair. I moved back, motioning him to follow as I walked away. We stepped out on the grass-covered deck, the sounds of chatter and laughter echoing from below. Deboarding the Sunny, we moved towards the impromptu party our crew were throwing. 

The children we had freed were being well taken care of, their bellies filled with the warm stew Sanji had made. To my surprise, the G-5 marines who had been involved in the fiascos that had taken place on the island had joined in on the festivities, them drunkenly singing along with Luffy and Usopp as a large fire crackling away, with Brook playing his violin in the background. Besides Luffy's dancing figure, the Samurai Sanji had rescued and put together could be seen hovering over a small boy in a peach kimono, who had been trapped in the facility and had been saved by Luffy. The two would be joining us on our future travels, along with Law, who was sitting away from the more rambunctious members of our company.

"Oi Lana! Come have some food!" Luffy shouted with a large laugh, having spotted Zoro and I approach. He was busy chomping away at the excessive piles of meat that Sanji had no doubt prepared beforehand for our captain's large appetite. At his yell, a few marines and children turned their attention to Zoro and I, who still stood behind me as we neared the large fire pit a majority of our crew were seated around.

"I'm off. I need a drink after what we went through today" Zoro muttered, turning away to approach the large pile of drinks near Sanji, but not before pulling my hat further down so my eyes were slightly covered. I whacked him away with a laugh, his own chuckles trailing off as he made his way to Franky after grabbing himself a tankard.

Law's brooding figure could be seen sitting away from the celebrations, watching the rest of the crowd with bored eyes. I hadn't been able to speak to him alone since we'd met, and was something that I had been meaning to do for a number of reasons, including this new alliance we found ourselves in.

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