Chapter 7 - Battle with Crocodile

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Crocodile was sending attacks left and right, probably anticipating a lucky shot to eventually hit its target but they were thwarted with ease using my water abilities.

When I had first discovered my Devils' fruit power, a little research was needed to learn control but I soon discovered that it happened to be one of the rarest ones out there, being categorised as one of the elemental Devils' fruit. The only people I found that had these abilities were in very high positions in the world, like Supreme Admiral high. At least I knew why they had made me Vice Admiral so quickly when I joined the Navy.

As we were fighting, the little ferret was trying to sneak in shots around in hopes of hitting Vivi. I had miraciously managed to deflect both the hit aimed at me and Vivi though the efforts were certainly taxing. After a while, his defence was starting to wane and I took that as an opportunity to change from defensive blocks to offence shots. I began to quickly overpower him when he suddenly collapsed into sand and was gone.

Searching furiously in the room for where he could be lurking but to no avail. In these circumstances, it was clear the fight was yet to be over so I would have to change my tactics. I quickly transformed myself into clear water whilst keeping my silhouette, this would prevent any hits from being fatal. 

"So cool!!" Luffy shouted out yet again, his fascination not even dulled with the situation and the sound of someone smacking him resounded through the room, my guesses being Nami who had taken it upon herself to discipline the guy. Despite the seriousness of the situation, I found myself wanting to smile. If this was the effect the straw hat pirates had on a person, it was something I was in dire need of.

"Where did you run to" I murmured, my eyes still searching the hidden spaces and darkened corners. Just as I was beginning to believe that the coward had run off, I felt a presence solidify behind me lunging to land a fatal blow, with the effort blocked the battle continued. 

With each hit successfully landing on the man, it seemed that I would have a chance at winning this fight. Those thoughts however came to a staggering stop when the tip of a sword pierced through back just beneath my lungs. Gasping out loud from the shock, I could see no one was expecting the blow either.

"LANA!!" Several people shouted at once as I sunk to the ground dropping to my knees. I turned around trying to get a look at who decided to ruin my day and saw Robin hovering above me, her face void of any emotions. Slightly annoyed that she had to go around and do that, I couldn't honestly hold it against her. Had she actually tried to kill me, she could have done it in a heartbeat, and not with that crappy shot she'd just made.

Just managing a slight nod over at her, I fell face first to the ground as Vivi rushed to my side trying to find a way to help me, her hands hovering over, not quite knowing where to place them. I knew though that there was only way we would be able to get out of this place, and it wasn't going to be pleasant experience.

Vivi's POV

"You cowardly bastard!" Nami shouted at him from inside the cage. Looking up, I noticed everyone was trying to see if Lana was okay, leaning in all sorts of directions to get a glimpse. All Crocodile did was laugh, taking joy in the hurt we were all wallowing in. It shocked me to see Captain Smoker on his feet as well with a worried expression. This would be the first time I had seen him react like this to anything, especially considering Lana was a pirate.

"Call me coward but the only thing that matters is that I won. From the looks of it, she's been stabbed with a sea prism sword so she's suffering more than from a usual stab wound" he grinned as if her pain was something amusing. I was about to retort to his statement when I felt Lana stir, she pulled me down so she was whispering directly into my ear.

"Listen we don't have much time before they start to get suspicious but I want you to act as if I've died, don't question just listen. That's the only way for you guys to get out of here because as long as I'm alive he's going to be scared and act reckless. Good luck" at that she let go and acted limp on the floor.

I was a little disorientated at the request, the words taking a moment to fully settle in but I listened to her nonetheless. I kept my face down so I could prepare myself, I was never a good actress but this was a matter of life and death, so this performance would have to be believable.

"Vivi what's going on? She's alright right?" Luffy asked, desperate for his questions to be answered but I could only look up at him  letting my tear stained face speak for itself, the rest only looked on in shock.

"No. It's not true, she alright isn't she?" I just shook my head and continued weeping into her robes which I noticed was covered in an alarming amount of blood from the wound but treating it would give the ruse away too quickly.

My cries were getting louder and I realised that even if she was pretending, I wouldn't be able to cope if she had in fact died. We had become so close, despite not knowing her for long, I felt like she was the only one that truly understood what I was going through concerning my beloved country. I didn't pay attention for a while, too caught up in my act until Crocodile dropped the key in the crocodile infested water which opened the cage the others were in.

From the look of things, if a miracle didn't happen anytime soon; we would either be eaten alive by the Crocodiles that were leering at us through the glass or drown with the steadily flooding room. I wasn't exactly up to picking either option, so when Sanji appeared and knocked the giant 'Bananadile' away I was willing to kiss him if he wasn't such a pervert.

"My lovelies, are you hurt?" Everyone was still upset about the supposed death of Lana so I bent down and whispered in her ear.

"Crocodile and the lady have gone so you can wake up now" her movements were stiff at first and I had to help her get up, though everyone still haven't noticed. She stood up on her own with a slight wobble in her step and started to brush herself off.

"Well that was entertaining" she mused, adjusting her robes causing everyone to snap their heads up at the sound of her voice.

"YOU'RE ALIVE!?" everyone shouted at her shocked at what she had done.

"My, you never change" Smoker stated chuckling. She huffed and placed her hands on her hips.

"It was the only way to get him to go away, but that really did hurt" she mumbled placing her hand on the spot where the woman had stabbed her, she winced slightly and I stood to her side in case she fell.

Lana was still bleeding but she seemed to be unaffected by it; either she didn't know it or she was putting up a really good act. She looked up and smirked at all of us, "Did you honestly think that I would die from that flimsy wound?" I smiled at the thought and realised the truth in her words.

"Look the Crocodiles are coming in and we need to get rid of them, by the looks of it we won't be able to last any longer by the rate the water is flooding in" At my words, the water brushed at her ankles and by the way she looked like she was about to collapse, I was guessing it was sea water.

Sanji picked her up bridal style and carried her over to the stairs, where she would be above the water level for a while. But I noticed something was off with Sanji. If he was picking any girl he would be having a nosebleed but the only thing visible on his face was concern. Maybe I was reading too much into it so I just began to worry about the growing water that had at this point reached my knees.

Lana's POV

Sanji picked me off my feet and I could see he was heading for the stairs. He saw my confused expression and slightly smiled.

"I'm just getting you to the stairs, it's higher so the water won't get to you as fast" I smiled at him for worrying about me.

"Thanks" was all I managed to say before I fell unconscious just as he was laying me gently on the steps, the blood loss from earlier leaving me with little energy left. 

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