Chapter 17 - Train Ride

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As we rode the train that was headed for one of the most notorious strongholds in the World  Government, Enies Lobby, it wasn't strange that everyone on board were agitated and anxious for what was to come. The repercussions if this went wrong were endless, with a lifetime in prison being the most lenient punishment from that list.  

The thought was exhilarating, yet at the same time frightening. For someone who had there fair share of run-ins with such organisation, it was an odd feeling. Coming so close to where I was held for the majority of a year, a place where there was a high chance I would end up at again if this all ended badly. That was if they hadn't already chosen to execute me. 

Everyone was waiting anxiously for the moment of our arrival, I was currently sat beside Zoro who seemed to be trying to fit in a nap before the fighting started. His swords were propped up against the seats next to us, my sword along side his. It would have been uncomfortable if we had sat with them holstered to our waist for the entire journey. I had my feet propped on the seats opposite us, arms crossed as I  faced the rushing scenery that passed us by. There wasn't much to see, what with the rushing storm and the crashing waves, if anything I was more anxious that the railway wouldn't give way with the torrential weather. 

"Don't tell me your worrying about this are you?" I turned around to see Zoro now awake, looking right at me with his eyebrows raised. I only shrugged my shoulders, trying to find the right words to describe how I was feeling with the whole situation. 

"Aren't you? Worried I mean. What if this doesn't go according to plan? What if someone gets hurt? And what about Robin? What-" My words were cut off as Zoro placed his hand over my lips, stopping the onslaught of questions that tumbled out. I was a little startled at the sudden contact, but couldn't stop the flush the reddened my cheeks. 

"You're rambling. Nothing bad is going to happen because I won't let anything happen. Especially to you" His words sent a shock down my spine, and hope started to blossom at what I thought he was implying. Did he understand what he was saying? And did he really mean it in that way?

"You're our captain's sister and one of the crew so I'm obliged to protect you. So don't worry, we're all looking out for each other" At that, I looked down as the warmth ebbed away. I felt like such an idiot for thinking that he could like me romantically, I had gotten my hopes up only for them to come crashing down. I laughed lightly to try and get rid of the disheartened feeling I felt and the awkward atmosphere my silence had created, turning to smile gently at him.

"Of course" I quickly tried to change the subject, not wanting to linger on where my thoughts had gone a moment ago. "I wonder how Sanji's doing with that shipwright cyborg? Do you think they managed to get Robin?" I asked, hinting to how Sanji and the accomplice they had picked up earlier on had gone ahead to try and kick start the rescue mission. Zoro strangely went slightly rigid at my words, a deep frown forming as he looked ahead, avoiding eye contact.

"Why would you care about that Ero-cook?" He asked stiffly. I knew the two had difficulties getting on, with it largely stemming from there differences in personalities, but I didn't think the hatred ran that deep. They were still crew-mates at the end of the day. 

"I understand you don't like him, but he is a part of this crew. I'm worried about him because if we lose him as well, I don't think Luffy would be alright" I answered his strange question with a frown. He seemed to loosen up at my response and relaxed back, presumably to go back to sleep. I turned away, facing the window again to try and occupy my mind with something else.

"I care about everyone in this damn crew, one more than others" he muttered, almost to himself. I wasn't sure if I was meant to hear that, but it brought about a new rabbit hole. What did he mean?

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