Chapter 41 - Heroes? As If

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That escalated quickly.

From having a nice chat in the Sea Forest with Jinbe, to being shunned by the entire Fishman Island population, and now being attacked by the large number of Fishmen pirates that seemed to have it in for the human race. Not to mention the impending doom of having a giant ancient ship crashing down on us, it all seemed too much to take in, especially in the short time span in which all of this was taking place in. 

I knew humans weren't exactly the most pleasant of species, and we were rather selfish in nature, but this situation was losing its novelty quite quickly as I was at my wits end with the constant curses that were being thrown at us by the citizens of the island. We were being blamed for things we didn't do, such as kidnap a large group of missing mermaids, and for being the things that we are, both human and pirates. To find out that this hatred, whether knowingly or not, was stirred on by a baseless prediction made by a shark mermaid café owner, only heightened the frustration further.

Yet here we are, fighting against the Fishman pirates on behalf of the royal family and the island, the ones who were so intent on hating us. Luffy had made it quite clear that he was only protecting the Princess when he had been accused of kidnapping her, and despite the Princess herself backing up his claim, the islanders were still choosing to blatantly ignore there words and continue to blame us.

To say the least, I was really getting tired of all this nonsense.

Third Person's POV

As the Straw Hats fought the New Fishman Pirates, the looming shadow of the Noah, the ancient ship, served as a constant reminder that everyone was going to die pretty soon, and that the island pulverised if no one did anything about it. Lana knew that she could delay the crash, hoping that Luffy could deal with Vander Decken IX and Hody in time, and for the magnetic pull of the giant ship to be stopped upon their defeat.

"Robin, cover me!" Lana ran forward to a more defensible position, her hands outstretched towards the giant ship, increasing the pressure of the water surrounding the ship. The overwhelming force of stopping the humongous ship came crashing down on her, with the massive strain she was putting on her mind at such a feat starting to flood in. Slowly, the ship's descent on the island began to slow, until it came to an apparent standstill, its impending form hovering above the island with its large shadow darkening everything beneath it. 

The shouts of the residents could be heard as a mumbled mess to her ears, but all Lana could focus on was stopping the ship, though the feat was becoming more challenging to bear, as the increasing weight of the entire Noah continue to weigh on her shoulders.

"The Noah's stopping!"

"Are you sure?"

"Look! We're saved!"

"But how?"


Due to the force of withholding the ships descent, Lana was being physically pushed back, the soles of her heeled boots skidding against the floor, as she tried desperately to stay in place, realising that the ship was starting to fall with her crumbling hold.

"ROBIN!" Lana's strained scream called for her crew mate. The others had, up until that point, only watched with admiration of their fellow straw hat, but upon hearing her pinched tone, rushed to stop the Fishman pirates that had moved forward to try and attack the occupied strategist. Robin quickly activated her devil fruit power, causing several arms to hold the young woman in place. Robin was taken aback when faced with the enormous force pushing against Lana, and soon Robin was straining to keep her still.

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