Chapter 13 - Losing One

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The moment that stupid pinhead captain pointed his fat sausage finger at me, I'd fully convinced myself that either the world just really hated me or I was simply the most unluckiest person that ever lived.

Why is it that all the possible terrible things that could happen to someone under the sun seem to happen to me? Was I cursed?

I didn't want to show the dread and agitation that was building up but at this point it seemed like there really was no going back. Seeing as its come to this, and that Luffy had already agreed to the terms at the start, there really wasn't a point in complaining, it wouldn't help the situation anyways because if I didn't go, someone else would have to. 

"No. Pick someone else" someone shouted in anger. It didn't take a genius to figure out it was Zoro who had spoken up. I looked behind me to see Zoro practically burning a hole through anyone who tried to approach, several brave pirates freezing as they had moved forward to try and physically escort me away. 

I stood in place, seeing the rest of the crew in various states of disbelief. It seemed that no-one thought it would be possible for our crew to fall apart or lose after everything we had been through. 

I sighed in resignation, knowing I would have to walk away for now if I was to honour the agreement Luffy had made. To be honest, I wouldn't mind if it meant that the others could stay together for as long as possible. To put it in perspective, I was still new to the crew, so it wouldn't affect them as much as it would if Nami or Sanji were picked in my place. I placed my hand gently on Zoro's shoulder, pulling him back with a shake of my head. He turned with a glare, it wasn't hard to understand that he was warning me to back down. 

"There's nothing we can do to stop them, we all knew from the start that if we lost these games then one of us would have to go. Those were the conditions Luffy agreed to when he decided to participate in this game. He is captain after all. Anyway it would be better if I was picked, I'm still a newbie anyway" I gave a weak smile and looked down not wanting to see the other's expressions. I removed my hand for Zoro's shoulder and looked up with a dead look, avoiding the other's stares. If I had to look Chopper in the eye, already feeling his tearful gaze following me, I knew I wouldn't be able to go ahead with this. 

Taking a hesitant step forward, I began walking towards their awaiting captain. His crooked smirk to show what I think was meant to be a welcoming smile only sent shivers down my spine. My pride only allowed me to glare at him, though my feet still dragged me closer. I could faintly hear the roars of the foxy crew congratulating themselves for winning the first round in the background, my attention couldn't stray from the monstrosity waiting on the intimidating stage.

I walked up the steps and made my way to him, intent on making him understand my intentions with my supposed compliance. I grabbed him by the knot which secured his ridiculous cape and dragged him closer, ensuring that he would hear what I was about to say. Seeing as the man was about my height, it wasn't exactly difficult to drag him enough so that he was leaned to the side as I whispered into his ear.

"Now you listen very carefully. Don't delude yourself into thinking that I'm going to take this quietly, you have not yet earned my loyalty nor my respect so do not expect me to take whatever you throw at me with open arms. You will never be my captain, that spot is already reserved. Oh and if you think of trying anything with me, I will not hesitate to end your pathetic excuse of a life. Captain or not" I threw in snidely before releasing his coat roughly, not willing to be closer to the cowardly man for even a second more. 

It seemed that he didn't take well to rude comments, because with my words, he sank to the ground with a depressed aura, his companions rushing forward to coddle the man. I only stepped over his crouched figure, disregarding his slumped body and walked over to the chairs that had been laid out for the 'prizes' that would be won. I slumped into the chair, crossing my arms as I leaned into the plush cushions provided. I could see the Straw Hats still frozen in place, not having moved an inch from where I had left them.

A lump formed in my throat and my eyes started to water at the sight. I quickly pushed those emotions aside, it would do no good for the others to see me weak in the wake of my decision. Well it really wasn't, but I had decided to walk away with dignity rather than be dragged away screaming and yelling. The most frustrating thing about it all was the only reason I became a pirate was because I was joining the Straw Hats specifically, but and now that that's out the question... I guess this is what you would call an occupational hazard. You never knew what would happen next. 

Someone walked over to me and I recognised her as that pesky woman you had raced us with the shark earlier. She held a piece of black fabric in her hand, which I realised was one of those ghastly masks that the other pirates donned, with a smug look plastered on her bird like face.

"Since you're now part of the Foxy Pirates-" She started but I quickly cut her off with a wave of my hand.

"I didn't have a choice so stop making it seem as if I came her on my own accord" I sneered at her and a flash of fear passed through her eyes before she tried to conceal it with a smirk.

"Well you need to wear this" She threw the material at me and I managed to make out the shape of the hideous thing in the light. Looking at it with disgust, I threw it back hitting her in the face. Her face only twisted with annoyance, her face appearing disfigured with her irritation. 

"I'm not wearing that" I bluntly stated, feeling a slight spark of satisfaction to see her losing her patience with my childish attitude. She pursed her lips before forcing a fake smile on her face. I chuckled knowing I was being a brat to her and she was having trouble controlling herself.

"You will if your life depends on it" she growled the last part but it still left me confused. What was she blabbering about? 

Just then the tip of a knife prodded my neck. I could feel that the knife wasn't an ordinary one because the edge sent a draining feeling from where it connected with my skin. I froze up with a roll of my eyes, remembering all the times I had the absolute pleasure of encountering such a weapon. 

Someone grabbed my arms, their nails digging into my skin as they retched them behind my back as Porche, the bird-like woman, struggled to force the mask on my face although she wasn't making any progress with all my thrashing. To hell with dignity, if I was being forced to be here, then I was going to force everyone around me to feel exactly how I felt. 

Though with my resolve to make everyone's life a living hell, I could feel the water build up in my eyes as I continued to struggle against the hold they had on me. I held back the tears because I wasn't going to give them the satisfaction that they were getting to me. I was still hopeful, seeing as we had just gone through the first round, there was still a chance that the Straw Hats could still turn this around. 

Please hurry Luffy and win me back. 

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