Chapter 20 - Unwanted Reminders

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Looking up to the blonde man that stood a little ways away, his poor stance gave away his weariness. We could both sense that the fight was drawing to a close, but neither one of us was willing to make the next move. For him, it was exhaustion, but for me it was hesitance. Hesitance to test this newfound theory. 

It was exactly that hesitance that nearly got me killed in the next moment. Aiko took advantage of my distraction and in a flash, formed a large wave of blood to come crashing down over my head. Quickly throwing myself to the side and narrowly missing the attack, I scrambled to my feet a good ways away from the man to put some distance between us. If I was going to try this in the middle of battle, I would need a quick getaway in case it failed. 

"I'm growing tired of your games, little girl. Let's quickly end this, so I may send your severed head to my boss" Not humouring him with an answer, I thought it would be now for never. Within a moment to spare, I gestured to the blood on the ground, hoping for some sign that I wasn't completely mad. Yet, as I was about to give up, a thin blade of blood had formed, suspending itself above the ground and pointed at the blonde who now stood in confusion. It took him but a second to realise, his eyes flashed to my own in shock.

"How..." The thin blade was sent directly to his head, with him barely managing to step out of the way.  Some cut strands fluttered to the ground, showing his failure at evading the attack completely. I smirked at the show, realising the attempt was a success.

"Looks like that worked" I smiled which caused Aiko to step back wearily, no doubt confused and perhaps a little fearful for what was to come. He seemed to quickly snap out of it, as anger began to replace his unease.

"You arrogant fool. Who do you think you are?" He dug his fingers into the walls, his anger causing him to rip his skin as he pulled away with blood coating his hands. The blood quickly solidified, forming claws that he quickly threw my way. They managed to nick the side of my face, leaving three faint scratches along my cheek.

He laughed manically, his eyes wide with malice. It seemed me being able to wield his power hit a little too close to home, for behind his malice, I could glimpse panic and uncertainty.

"I thought as much," he continued to laugh as he threw blade of blood left and right, me barely dodged the onslaught, "You may have my ability but in the end, I'm stronger and more skilled. Just who were you going to protect again?" He cackled as parts of the wall began to crumble. In his anger to land an attack, his focus nor aim was as precise, which left the surrounding structure to take the brunt of the assault.  

"We'll slaughter each and everyone one of your stupid nakama. Then we'll take you back to where you belong, back to that hole in the sea that you managed to crawl out of" It shouldn't have affected me, already knowing my friend's strength to prevent that from happening. Yet his words triggered a memory I had thought had been buried in the pits of my mind, never to resurface.


The whip reached in between the sea-prism bars, landing with expert precision on my exposed arms and feet. Once the burning pain began it seldom stopped, not until the guards had had their fun. The open wounds would continue to burn until they healed, though they were never given the chance to. At first, I had tried to turn away, hoping to at least shield my face from the pain, but had learned that had only made it worse. The sadistic prison guards would only draw out the punishment further if they hadn't had their fill. 

"Who would have thought that this was the result of the high and mighty Vice-Admiral Lana? Though could you even be called that, weren't you Vice-Admiral for only a month before you were thrown in here?" The two guards that stood down the hall chortled at the whip-wielding guard's remark, who continued his onslaught.

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