Chapter 21 - Recovering and Grandpa

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The bright light that shone through my closed eyes was the first thing I could comprehend when I started to gain my senses. There was a constant ring in my eyes that was starting to dull with each passing moment, and a deep ache in my bones as if I hadn't moved for a while. The sound of scurrying of feet on wood was the next thing I registered, sensing the gentle change in the breeze as people passed by. The sound was disorientating, seeing as the last thing I could recall was the fight with Aiko.

With great effort I was able to open my eyes, which did little to clear my confusion as everything remained a blur. Trying to blink away the blurriness, the nearby objects were beginning to materialize. I could make out Chopper sitting on the edge of the bed I was currently resting in, his small hoof checking my pulse against his little pocket watch. A small pout pulled his lips downwards, with his cute blue nose twitching in concentration.

"Hey Doc" I sighed weakly, smiling at his attempt at stern professionalism. His head shot up with the most radiant smile I had seen in a while, dropping my hand in a rush to wave who I assumed the rest of the crew over.

"Everyone, come here! Lana's awake!" He yelled with glee, wiggling about in excitement. I could hear the others making their way over, with the faint glimpse of Nami's bright orange hair and Luffy's straw hat.

"Oh I'm so glad you're alright" Nami exhaled, throwing her arms around me in a gentle hug. Returning the gesture, I noticed the fogginess had still not cleared from my vision, leaving room for panic to grow.

"Chopper, why is everything so blurry?" I asked the doctor, rubbing my eyes in frustration. Someone pulled my hands away, scolding my actions before talking in low voices to the others that lingered around the bed.

"When did it start?" He questioned, pulling my eyelids away to get a better look. I flinched away at the sudden bright light, guessing Chopper was conducting an impromptu eye exam. 

"Since I woke up. All I see are colours and shapes"

"I can't see any damage, so I think you should be fine. It's probably a small side effect from the amount of time you've been resting. If it continues after a few hours, I'll do a more thorough eye exam" I nodded, agreeing with his advice before stopping short.

"How long have I been out?"

"A week. We won't be setting sail until you and Luffy have recovered" A soft voice chimed, recognising the voice to belong to Robin.

"Robin! You're here" I sighed with relief, pulling who I thought was Robin, closer. Patting her on the back, I started to scold her for her recklessness and the trouble she had caused. 

"Uhh, that's Usopp you've grabbed Lana" Nami chuckled awkwardly, the rest trying to stifle their sniggers. 

"Well why didn't you say anything?" I pushed Usopp away and feeling a soft grip grab by hand, I grabbed Robin to sit beside me. I could make out Usopp's grumbles as he complained to Nami for ratting him out, who only laughed at his misfortune. 

"I think you worried everyone more than I did" She chuckled, brushing a few strands of hair out of my face, before lying down beside me. My sight was starting to clear up, with everyone coming into focus.

"So, what happened?" I asked, moving to sit up. Everyone moved forward in a rush to keep me down, with Nami and Chopper reprimanding me for moving too soon.

"Oh no you don't, you are going to stay in bed and wait until Chopper gives you the all clear. And shouldn't we be asking you that?" Nami looked at me with eagerness, her bright brown gaze burning with curiosity. The others were equally as nosy, pushing forward with interest. I couldn't help but laugh at them, a wave of exhaustion forcing me to slump further into the mattress. 

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