The Prophecy

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Jamille's P.O.V.

Jamille report to headquarters.

Yes sir

I look beside me to see Luke peacefully sleeping. I kiss his cheek and slowly remove myself from his arms.

I get dressed and go to the roof. I stare at the sun and concentrated hard on it.

Let me go to paradise.

I mutter and I slowly felt my body breaking into small particles disappearing  into the wind.

"It's good to see you again miss Jamille." I smile at the guard and nod.

"It's good to see you too Axel, how has your sister been lately."

"Great miss she is finally getting married in a few weeks. I do hope you can make it. You and your fiancée."

"Of course we'll go, do you mind if I bring his sister Alecta she recently arrived and I want to show her around."

"Of course miss, I would love to meet his sister."

I nod and wave him goodbye.

I was walking to headquarters when I got distracted by some teens surrounding a young girl.

"You piece of shit!"

"You slut, poor bitch"

"Where is she know to protect you!"

Is that Amy?

"Poor lwittle baby, Amy wants her big sister to come home huh!"

"You stupid bitch, you worthless piece of shit."

"You better get away from my sister!" I said using my comand voice on them. They instantly run away.

"Sister I have missed you so much!" She runs up to me and throws her small arms around me.

I carry her to her room and put her to sleep. I kiss her forehead and left her room. Unbelievable this is heaven for goodness sake and even here bullying exists.

I push my thoughts away and walk inside his office.


"Ah it's nice to see you Jamille"

I bow down to him.

"You wished to talk to me?"

"Yes, please take a seat."

I take a seat in front of him.

"Okay, well as I am aware you know about the prophecy."

"Well yes I have heard of it, but I don't know all the details, sir."

"Jamille the prophecy talks about the day when a girl will be born into our world were she would have suffered a lot in her life. That girl will bring peace to all supernatural world and the humans. She will have her knights which is one of each kind of being."

"Sir, what do you mean by one knight from each being?"

"What I mean is that she will have 1 knight of each specific creature. Yes there are over 100 kind of creatures but out of those 100 and over she will have knights that she will trust with her life. Each knight represents something."

"Does the prophecy say how many she will have?"

"No its unclear. But it does say in the prophecy that she will encounter many difficulties in her journey. In her journey that's where she will find her knights. But she needs help to escape from wherever she is."

"So what I'm guessing is you want someone to help her escape her past to help her continue? When is the right time? And who is it? Sir"

"Yes and that someone is you and Axel. Jamille you and Axel together will help her escape. Yes I do know who she is. Her name is Alecta and right now is the right time."

"What?! She's the one who they talk about in the prophecy. Wait and you want Axel and I to help her? How?"

"Yes it is Alecta, we have known for a very long time. That is why I introduced you to Luke her brother. You both play an important part in this prophecy. I can not tell you how to help her. That is up to you and Axel."

I nod and stare at my hands. What part do I play in this prophecy. 

"Jamille I believe in you. I know you can complete this new quest. Now go you must help her escape tonight. Or else it will be to late for her."

"What do you mean sir?"

"If she does not escape today, she will never be able to. She will be bounded to her master forever. Once she is taken away from that horrible place you must take her to Celeste. She will now what to do from there. Now go let Axel know. Also I would say bye to Amy you won't be coming home so soon."

"Yes sir, but can I ask a favor from you?"

"Why, yes of course. What may it be?"

"Can you look after Amy, I am sure you know she is being bullied. Look after her, so no harm can come to her."

He smiles at me and nods.

I walk out his office and went into Amy's room.

"Don't leave me Jamille"

I smile weakly at her. Why must she always know.

"Im guessing you saw it?"

"Yes, please don't go sis, they will bully me. You just came home, don't go."

I pull her onto my lap and hugged her.

"I have to, but he will look after you."

"I don't want to be with big brother."

"I know hun but please do it for me. He loves you and he will make sure to protect you. After all he is your big bro." I smile at her and I can she was thinking about it.

"Okay sis,  I will go with him but promise me you'll be back."

I smile at her and remove my necklace.

"Here take this, keep it. I want you to have this so you can be protected. I'll come back to see you soon, Amy. Goodbye for now."

She waves goodbye and holds tightly on to my necklace. I see her smiling but tears are rolling down her cheeks.

I walk out and headed to the main gate.

"Axel we must be going now." He gives me a crazy look and sigh.

"I'll explain as we go but we must be going now."

He nods and we both take off.

We have to get there on time.

I will not let Alecta be trapped in her past anymore.

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