Traveling To The Human World

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"We must be going now, thank you for everything Celeste." I said with Axel by my side and Jamille behind us. "You must go now, before it gets dark. Are you sure you should go to the human world?" I stare at Celeste unsure how to answer.

I myself don't even know why I want to go there.

"I don't know, I just have this feeling that I must go........ as if someone is waiting there for me......its confusing." I said looking at her, does she know what I'm feeling.

"Never doubt yourself Alecta, if you ever get a feeling whether its good or bad you must listen to it. If you have feeling that you must go to the human world then you shall go. Now leave before it gets dark. Axel protect her and Jamille you do play an important part in this prophecy." I nod and leave with Axel and Jamille right behind me.

When I look back, her house has disappeared. Tch should have seen that coming. I was in deep thought when I felt hands around my waist.

"Axel?!" I scream as my feet leave the ground.

He laughs and continued to fly next to Jamille who was also smiling.

Once we arrived to California we all went to a hotel in hollywood. Now I feel bad Axel must have been tired carrying me while flying. I can fly too but I haven't reached the age to be able to actually fly.

I let them sleep and sneaked out, I went to Hollywood and explored a bit. It was amazing and they had this stars on the floor with names on it. I didn't know much of it but it did seem cool.

Follow the voice


"Aahh" I look around and I saw no one. Can they not hear the scream?

Follow the voice!

I do as it commands and run towards the screams.

I turn a corner and found myself in the middle of a dark alley and I see a little girl surrounded by kids and there dogs.

The kids laughed and threw rocks at her while some kids dogs were biting her harshly.

"What are you doing to her!?" I yell and walked towards them.

They look up and began throwing rocks at me. "Get away you slut! Yeah leave us alone bitch!" I stare at them shocked.

"How dare you insult me you brats!?" My anger was reaching it limits when they ignored me and continued to harm the little girl.

My aura began getting this ominous dark feeling. They must have felt it because the dogs began to whine and the kids had a terrifying expression.

"You are just like her! You monster!!" I glare at them and using my powers I lifted them up. They began screaming, with tears streaming down there eyes.

I drop them and they fell unconscious. I didn't drop them from a high spot just enough so they would faint.

I walk to the little girl and kneel in front of her. I move her hair away and stared at her eyes. Although her eyes were blue they were dull. All the life and happiness was gone and replaced with sadness.

"Are you okay?" I whisper, she nods and looks at me. "Are you my guardian angel?" I stare at her and shrug.

"I don't know but a voice told me to come here."

She is your knight, your human knight.

How She's so young, I can't let her fight.

Not all of your knights are meant to fight for you. Some will bring happiness to you and so will you to them.

I stare at her and hugged her. She became stiff, but eventually hugged me back.

"What is your name?"

"Leilani" She whispered.

"Well Leilani, will you like to be one of my knights." She stays quiet and nods.

I smile and stare at her.

"From this moment on you will be one of my knights, not only will you never betray me but you will bring a light so bright that will brighten everyone's day. You will be there for me when I need it the most, and I shall do the same to you. Welcome Leilani you are my second knight."

I kiss her forehead and a white light erupted from our bodies. She faints, I carry her and walked to the hotel.

I open the door to notice that they were still asleep. I smile and laid Leilani in my bed.

I went shopping and bought Leilani some clothes. Once I was done with that I went grocery shopping.

I came back to the hotel and they were still deep asleep.

"Flying must have taken all your energy." I smile and began arranging the food.

I was humming while preparing the food when I felt someone tug on my dress. I look down to see Leilani staring at me.

"Do you need anything? Oh I bought you some clothes they are in the chair. You can go and take a shower, the food will be done in a few minutes."

She doesn't say anything and nods.

I continue making the food and ten minutes passed and it was done I served the food in the table and set everything up. I hear the door open and Leilani came out.

"You look so adorable" I smile at her, she blushes and looks down. "Thank you for everything." I stare at her and she was tugging on her dress.

I walk to her and lifted her head up. "Don't thank me, you are my little knight I'm supposed to help you, all you have to do is smile and bring smiles to everyone." She nods and thanks me.

"Now go and sit, I'll call the others to dinner."

She nods and sits down playing with her fingers.

Okay now for the hard part.

"Axel wake up"

"5 more minutes mom"

"Axel!" I yell a little harder

"2 more minutes" Aish how am I supposed to wake him up.

"Axel help!!!" I scream he wakes up and falls off the bed. Jamille woke up too but threw me a pillow.

"Axel, Jamille dinner is ready." They nod and got ready.

I sat next to Leilani and waited for them to arrive.

"Sorry for keeping you wai- who's that?" Axel said staring at Leilani.

"Stop staring at her you are making her nervous, don't worry Leilani he won't hurt you."

"Alecta who is she?" Jamille asked

"Axel, Jamille greet my second knight Leilani. Oh and she's human too." I said smiling they stare at me and shocked with there mouth opening and closing like a fish.

"Well aren't you going to eat?" They nodded and digged in.

We had fun and got along with each there.

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