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Alexander's P.O.V.

This bitch thinks she can fuck everyone she wants. She's just like her fucking mother.

A whore that's all she was!!

Okay. That's enough. Calm down.....

Fuck that I have had enough with all these fucking bitches. First her mother and now Alecta. I may have let her off easy but I will not be as kind to Alecta. 

She will know her place!


"Yes sir"

"Bring my daughter down here now and make sure she wears her night outfit!"

"But sir she just went to bed....."

I stare at her and said in a threatening  voice. "It's either her or you on my bed right now so hurry up and get her Alicia!!"

She runs out and I can hear her soft footstep quicken as she walk up the stairs.

Okay now what to do? What to do?

I can feel myself smile in satisfaction as to what I will do to her.

It's either box A or box B.

"I know I'll just let her choose her punishment"

"Sylvia you know what to do." She nods and disappears with the items.

Now time to wait for our precious contestant. After all she is the star of the show.

"Sir she is here" I look at Alicia and motion her to leave she nods and leaves Alecta.

I watch as Alecta shifts her weight left and right. She was wearing her silk robe and under it I am sure she is wearing her outfit. Ah that lovely outfit was very naughty and it fits her perfectly.

"Alecta I want you to grab that chair and sit down in the center" I ask her calmly.

I see her bend down and I got a great view of her ass. They are much like her mother's but fuller and much more luscious. She grabs the chair and sets it in the middle. I watch in a amusement as my lovely daughter tried to cover herself.

"What do you want?!"

"Now that isn't the way you talk to your dad."

"Psh you my dad you lost that title a long time ago you fucking perverted asshole pedophile!"

"Sylvia come in and set down the boxes!" She walks quickly in and sets everything up. She bows and leaves closing the door with the lock on.

"Now sweetie we will be playing a game and you will be the star of the show. Isn't that great sweetie!" I said trying to sound as sweet and nice as I can.

Alecta stares at me with a confused  look and finally shrugged her shoulders.

"What kind of game master?" I smirk as I see her shock. She must have forgotten about the bond.

"Well today you will be choosing between box A or box B. Choose wisely it has a great reward yearning to be used."

Alecta slowly walks to the table and grabs box A.

"Now open it"

Alecta's P.O.V.

A game really?! Isn't he to old to play one, I mean yes he looks like his in his 20s but his like 100s of years old.

I grab box A and set it down on the table.

"Now open it" I lift up the silk cloth and stare at it confused. What the hell is all the string for there is some wires, a whip, a blindfold, a lighter, and a knife.

"What is all this?" I asked him turning around to face him. I take a step back as his expression has an evil smile and I can literally see his back aura spreading.

What is he up too?

"Well your punishment of course. What else would this be for?" I run to the door and tried to pull it open. Why is it closed?

I will not let him touch me!

"Sweetie didn't I warn you about staying away from Luke. You are mine not his! Everytime you misbehave the punishment will get much harder and painful."


(I will be writing the punishment but that's for a Flashback so you'll find out later on what happened to her.)

Luke's P.O.V.

"Luke is something wrong?" I stare at Jamille unsure of what to say.

"Nothing just know I love you" I say she smiles and kisses my cheek.

"I love you too"

That night we made love.

I love Jamille with all my heart. But when I see Alecta I am all of sudden bewitched by her presence. As if someone casted a curse on us. She makes a side of me awaken, that I wasn't aware of.

I love Jamille but Alecta is I don't know I'm confused. There must be an explanation to this. I shall see Celeste tomorrow.

The next day

"Alecta can I speak to you?" I ask her reaching for her shoulder.

"Leave me alone" She slapped my hand away and walked away. Why is she walking weird, as if she was in pain. I stare at her and notice a burning bruise on her neck.

What the fuck happened to her?

I'll just talk to her later.

After about 5 hours I finally arrived at her house.

"Celeste it's me prince Luke!"

I wait patiently I am sure she is probably finishing reading the chapter of yet another spell book. After 10 minutes she came out.

"It's always good to see you Luke. How's Jamille?"

"She's great and it's good to see you too" how should I ask her?

"Come in, I know you have something to ask me so take a seat and I'll get you some tea" I take a seat and look around. It hasn't changed much a little dusty but it still looks the same.

"Here, so now tell me what's bothering you" I grab the tea cup and stare at it.

"Celeste I'm not sure if you know by now but my sister Alecta the princess has come back." I stare at her and I noticed she had a worried look on her face.

"What's wrong Celeste?"

"It's nothing continue"

"Well um I began feeling this strong pull towards her. Like when I'm around her I can't think properly. As if am bewitched. I can't seem to control myself around her like I have awaken and I have to have her in my arms forever. To protect her and never let her go." She stares at me and stands up.

"Here" he hands me a small red drink.

"What's this?"

"Drink it right now."

"Bu-" She gives me a look and I opened it and drank it all. Surprisingly it tasted good.

"Luke what I gave you is a potion so you won't feel like that towards Alecta. It won't last long probably around a month or so. I have to do some research for now I'm sorry. But you'll forget about what happened between you and Alecta. You won't remember those feelings anymore or those memories with her."

Is stare at her unable to move. Why would she do that?

"Why? Why Celeste?"

"Sorry Luke but it's for Alecta's own good and yours. It will also affect Alecta she won't remember those memories of you. All she will remember is the time you met first in the gardens." She walks to me and strokes my cheek softly.

"Sorry Luke, now go to sleep. You shall not remember any of this when you awake, goodnight." The last I remember it her kissing my cheek.

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