00. extended summary

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Disclaimer: I do not own GMW, all rights go to Disney and the creators, but Bianca is of my own creation and her plotlines and character belong to me, so please do not steal her as she is a character I've put a lot of work and thought into. Thanks, I hope you enjoy my story! :) X

"Why? Why won't you just let me be? I'm a mess, Josh, all I'll do is drag you down! Just get out while you can."

"No, you're so much more than that. If being with you will drag me down, then hell, I've never wanted to be dragged down more. I don't want to get out, Hart, I'm here for the long haul and you're just gonna have to accept that."


Bianca Hart was a strong, determined girl who rarely displayed emotion and would give the world to make sure her younger sister Maya was happy and okay. She didn't waste her time with people who didn't care about her and had always worked hard at school, refusing to end up like her mother. She dreamt of a good job and a good life, full of happiness and people who loved her.

Bianca was broken, but she had a strong front that wasn't easily torn down and if you didn't know the girl like the back of your hand, you'd have no idea how much the future scared her. You'd have no idea she was hurting and you wouldn't know how her family was barely holding together with a part-time mother and a father who walked out one day with no explanation. As far as Bianca was concerned, it was Maya and her against the world.

No one had managed to tear down her walls before, as a matter of fact no one had tried, but when Joshua Matthews stumbled into her life, slowly she found herself opening up after it's too late to stop.

In her eyes, everyone leaves, but for some reason Josh refuses to let go; no matter how much she tries to push him away. She never believed she was worth it, but somehow he changed everything and cautiously, she began to fall..

"Bianca Hart, God I'm glad I met you."

"Joshua Matthews, damn I must be pretty unfortunate to have gotten stuck with you."

"You love me."

"That's definitely debatable."

Hart ♡ Joshua Matthews #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now