01. Josh Hutcherson

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Bianca Hart laid sprawled out across her bedroom floor, hastily scribbling mindless poetry into her worn out leather notebook. The little book held so much emotion and so many crucial moments in the blonde teenager's life, experiences and feelings that she had never shared with anyone, all safe and sound in the last gift her father gave her before he walked out.

She would write whenever things got to be a bit too much, it being the perfect outlet for her to express herself. Beautifully stringing words together to paint a picture or dream, it was how she held it all together. Tonight, she wrote about her worries for college as she waited for her younger sister, Maya, to come home.

One of Bianca's favourite things was when Maya comes home. She would always have something to tell her and then come up with some crazy reason as to why Bianca needed to make her her favourite chicken pasta. It was always ridiculous, but she'd make it anyway without a single objection and Maya would've already eaten it all by the next morning. It made her feel needed and it made Maya feel like somebody cared.

"B, you home?"

"Yeah, Maya. I'm just in my room, what's up?" Bianca called out, listening as she heard the door softly close and Maya's footsteps get louder.

"You ready?" Maya questioned, leaning up against Bianca's chipped doorframe. "You forgot, didn't you?"

"I didn't forget, I just don't know what you're referring to." Bianca replied, apologetically grinning at Maya who shook her head in response. Standing up, Bianca closed her notebook and sat it on her wobbly desk before leaning against it. "So what are you referring to?"

"It's Monday night.."

"Right! Dinner at the Matthews', cool, I totally knew that. Let's get going, pumpkin pie! It's supposed to be cold so you'd better grab a coat." The oldest Hart said, grinning at Maya as she pulled a beanie on over her curls.

"Please don't ever call me pumpkin pie again." Maya groaned, dragging her older sister to the door.

"Sorry, I'll make a note of that, sugar plum."

"You're not funny, grandma." Maya shot back, sliding on her coat before pushing open the front door, the cold winter breeze immediately hitting the two young girls.

"Okay, that's not funny. I'm barely 18!"

"Yeah, yeah. Keep telling yourself that."

"But I am!"


"Oh, Topanga! While we're on the topic of cute couples-"

"- uh, we weren't-" Corey tried to interject, only earning glares from Maya and Riley.

"-don't you think Bianca and Josh would be cute?" Maya finished. Riley grinning and clapping her hands together, nodding vigorously to show her support.

"Ooh, Josh who? Hutcherson?" Bianca questioned, trying to ignore the mischievous glint in Maya and Riley's eyes. "Because I think we'd be adorable."

"Nope, we were thinking more along the lines of my uncle, Josh Matthews." Riley answered, watching curiously as both Corey and Bianca began to simultaneously choke. "You guys ok?"

"Wh-why are you trying to set up my baby brother?" Corey managed to splutter out, looking to Bianca who looked just as horrified.

"Oh, no I think they would be quite cute now you mention it." Topanga said, smiling at Maya and Riley who nodded appreciatively.

"Maybe when pigs fly." Bianca grumbled, glaring at the remaining food on her plate.

"So you still hate him?"

"You betcha, I don't know if I'll ever be able to forgive that monster."

"What did he do? Maya would never tell me and whenever I ask Uncle Josh he starts rambling on about teddy bears and not knowing what you're doing when you're 8." Riley asked, flinching as Bianca screwed her face up in distaste.

"H-he decapitated my favourite teddy bear, I couldn't sleep without him and the heartless 8-year-old that Josh was, destroyed it."

"Wait, so all this is over a silly teddy bear?" Riley said, laughing lightly. "Surely you can get over that."

"Riles, it was one of the very few things from our dad." Maya mumbled, the table instantly going quiet. Things slowly slotting into place.

"Doesn't matter anyway, he doesn't live in New York, it's not like I'll ever have to see him again!" Bianca grinned, trying to move the conversation along and sound upbeat. "This pork is incredible, Topanga, honestly."

"Aw, thanks, Bianca! It's very nice to be appreciated." Topanga smiled. "It's Auggie's favourite so I've put some in the fridge for him to have when he gets back from his sleepover. He absolutely loves it."

"I don't blame him, B's right, it's really good." Maya complimented, shovelling a mouthful of pork and gravy into her mouth.

"Thanks, girls. Your mother must love having two lovely, appreciative girls." Topanga said, giving Corey and Riley pointed looks to which they hurriedly chimed in with "yeah, the food's great!".

"How's the job hunt going anyway, Bianca?" Corey asked, causing the oldest blonde to squirm.

"Yeah, it's, um, yeah well it's going. Just, uh, just not well."

"With amazing brains and a lovely smile like yours, who'd be silly enough to turn you down?"

"Haha, thanks, Topanga, but lots of people apparently."

"I'm sure you'll find something, after all everything happens for a reason, right dad?" Riley grinned, looking to her dad who smiled softly back at his daughter.

"Yes, Riley."

"So, let's just say if Josh walked in, would that'd be a strange coincidence or fate, Matthews?" Maya challenged, raising an eyebrow.

"A very big coincidence, Maya."

"Thought so." The young Hart smiled, eating the rest of her food in silence with smug grin on her face.

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