14. in love?

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"I love it," Josh smiled, holding Bianca's hand and inspecting her new ink. "It's absolutely perfect, almost as perfect as you."

"Will I get through a day with you without being hit on?" Bianca laughed, pulling her hand away as he gave her a boyish grin.

"Without being hit on? No, definitely not. I plan to hit on you until you finally realise that you are desperately in love with me the way I am you,"

"I-yo- w-what? Y-you're in love with me?"

"I-uh- I didn't mean that. Uh, I-um-I'm so sorry, I-I gotta go. I'll catch you later, Hart," he stuttered, running a hand through his hair as he bolted out of Bianca's room; not giving her the opportunity to reply. She rolled over onto her back and stared at her cracked ceiling, unsure of what to make of what Josh had said. Did he actually mean it? Did she feel the same way? Should she feel the same way?

Bianca was conflicted and so she did what most people would not recommend, she decided to ignore the situation completely. She got up, straightened her bed and then called Maya, wanting to do something with her sister to forget about what she should or shouldn't do about Josh.

"Yellooooo?" Maya answered, stretching out her greeting.

"Hey, kiddo! What's up?" Bianca replied, trying to keep her tone upbeat which resulted in sounding fake and a little concerned.

"On my way home now, I just passed Umbrella Ernie. Why, is everything okay? You sound really strange."

"Of course, everything is totally fine! I was just wondering if you wanted to do something? Maybe play a board game, go get ice cream or even just hang out at the mall? Up to you." Bianca rushed, her tone still just as fake and concerned as before.

"Sure, B, a board game sounds perfect. I'll be home in a few,"

"Great! I'll set up-"

"No, I think I have the perfect game for us to play. You just relax."

"Oh, okay. I'll see you soon then?"

"You betcha." Maya said, hanging up promptly afterwards and leaving Bianca alone once again with her thoughts.

Bianca logged onto spotify and played her 'blissful' playlist, letting the acoustic tunes calm her down as she decided to heat up Maya's pasta for when she got home. The thought of Josh soon left her mind as she sang along to her favourite songs and stirred the pasta, by the time Maya got home, she had practically forgotten about the whole incident.

"We're going to play 'truth or dare'," Maya declared, walking into their home and gratefully taking the pasta from her sister.

"Oh okay, sure. You eat your pasta and uh, we'll play!"



"Dare!" Maya proclaimed, covered in flour from a previous dare.

"I dare you to prank call Riley and tell her you've been arrested and don't know what to do," Bianca grinned, handing her the phone. "Remember to block the number so she doesn't know it's a prank."

"Easy." Maya scoffed, taking the phone and dialing Riley's number. Maya took a few deep breaths to get into character, but when Riley answered, it was game on.


"Riles, you gotta help me. I-I did the wrong thing and I- I don't know what I'm gonna do," Maya began, her voice shaky and scared as Bianca watched on, impressed.

"Maya calm down, what's happened?"

"You're gonna hate me,"

"I could never hate you, tell me what's going on? Where's Bianca?"

"I-I've been arrested, Riley."

"What? Maya, tell me you're kidding!"

"They caught me spray painting a mural in the park and I just don't know what to do. Bianca will kill me, Riley, I don't think I could handle her being disappointed in me."

"Let me talk to the police, I'll tell them that this is all a big misunderstanding." Riley demanded, causing Maya to smile at her friend's eagerness to defend her.

"You can't do that, Riles. They caught me, they know it was me. I just really screwed up this time, I don't think I can go home."

"What? Maya don't be silly, your family loves you. Bianca will make you chicken pasta even if you're a criminal, I think you should call her. If anyone can sort it out it's Bianca and my mum, I'll get her to go down to the station, you call your sister. Okay? Everything is going to be fine, Maya. Mum and I will be there soon."

"Riles, I love you."

"I love you too, Maya."

"You're gonna hate me-"

"-I'm not going to hate you!"

"This is a prank, Riles. I haven't been arrested, nor am I a hoodlum spray painting the city," Maya laughed. "I'm playing truth or dare with Bianca, this is all on her."

"Get her good, Maya."

"Don't worry, I will." Maya grinned, hanging up on Riley and giving Bianca a mischievous grin. "Truth or dare?"

"Okay, well after that I'm gonna say truth," Bianca said, grinning excitedly at her sister as Maya rubbed her hands together as though she was plotting something.

*knock knock*

"Do you love Josh?" Maya asked, watching Bianca go to answer the door.

The oldest blonde opened the door to reveal Josh himself and the mere sight of him seemed to tell her everything she needed to know about how she was feeling.

"I-I do." Bianca whispered, smiling at Josh as his face lit up at her words.

Not another word was said. Josh stepped forward into the room and softly gripped Bianca's hips, pulling her closer and closer until their lips finally met.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2016 ⏰

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