02. Chicken Pasta

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"Okay, the chicken pasta is in the fridge, but make sure you leave some so mum has something to eat once she gets home, okay kiddo?" Bianca said, letting herself fall back onto the slightly torn couch beside Maya. "Also, I'm thinking we should redecorate. This house just looks so sad, what do you reckon?"

"Sure, thanks, B." Maya smiled, turning to look around their small apartment. "And yes, I definitely think that we should redecorate, half the things we have are barely holding together and it all looks so depressing. I think Riles would jump at the chance to help fix this up. She's a fixer upper, you know."

"That she is. Well then, that sounds like a plan for the holidays, we can sort this place out and invite a few friends around to help since mum will more likely than not be working." Bianca suggested, imagining beautiful, rich floor length curtains and fresh, clean coats of paint. Their dingy apartment looked worn down and rough, but it had a lot of potential. It just needed a little TLC.

"Sounds good! Hey, Riley was telling me how the Matthews' were buying a little bakery, maybe you could get a job there?"

"I'd love to apply, but I don't want them to feel like they have to give me a job."

"B, don't be ridiculous! They love you, I'm sure they'd be happy to employ you." Maya tried, rolling her eyes at her older sister.

"We'll just see how things work out, I got a call from one of the restaurants I applied at earlier today and I got an interview, so maybe that'll be it. Maybe I'll get that."

"You'd rather work with grumpy strangers over Topanga?"

"Don't be silly, Maya, of course not! This is only temporary. I just want to waitress for a bit to earn some income while I wait to see if I got into college. Then depending on the result I'll figure out what I'm doing from there. If I get in I'll waitress for as long as I can until it starts to get to be too much and if I don't then I'll need to sort my life out and see what I can do."

"Bianca, you're definitely going to get into NYU, you're GPA was incredible. I've never seen anyone work as hard as you before, they'd be stupid to turn you down!"

"But I need more than to just get in, I need a scholarship."

"And you'll get it, I'm positive. Now since you have an interview tomorrow, I think you should be getting ready for bed." Maya ordered, dramatically pointing towards Bianca's bedroom.

"And you have school tomorrow, so I think you best be getting to bed as well. Come on, if you get ready now you can jump into bed with the light on and I'll come in and turn it off on my way to bed."

"Can I have a little pasta first?"

"Sure, go get changed and I'll heat you up a bowl." B said, gently pushing Maya upwards.

"Okay, don't forget to-"

"-season it, yeah, yeah I know." Bianca finished, grinning back at Maya who hurriedly ran into her room to get changed as Bianca headed to the kitchen. Without thought, the oldest sibling pulled the container out of the fridge and heaped a few spoonfuls into a smaller bowl before placing it into the microwave. Bianca lent up against the kitchen counter as she waited and watched the cars below on the busy road fly past, wondering where they were going and where they've came from.

People watching was one of Bianca's favourite things to do, strangers always drew her in. She liked storytelling and creating worlds so that's what she would do. She would watch people on the street or as they pass her by and make up a life that could belong to them and without fail, they'd always have a happy ending. If Bianca was God, no one would know sadness, especially Maya.

Bianca, being older, was able to accept and understand what happened a little better than Maya ever could and despite Maya never saying much, she knew their home life was eating at her. With a dad who walked out with no explanation and a mother who was never around, it wasn't easy. What was worse was that B knew that the real reason their mum was never around was because she was always working, trying to earn a little extra to make sure her girls were living comfortably, but Maya never seemed to get that.

The beeping microwave pulled Bianca from her thoughts and brought her back into reality, the one where Maya was sitting at the table staring at her expectantly.

"Uh, is that for me?" Maya asked, gesturing to the hot bowl in her sister's hands.

"Oh! Yeah, of course. Sorry, I'll just season it and you'll be good to go!" Bianca smiled, sprinkling salt, pepper and a collection of crushed herbs over the top before sliding it down towards Maya with a fork sticking out of the bowl.

"Thanks! It looks amazing." Maya complimented, shovelling the food into her mouth. "Ugh, it tastes as good as it looks!"

"Thanks, but don't speak with your mouth full."

"Sorry, mother." Maya grumbled back, to which Bianca responded by sticking her tongue out at the youngest sister.

"I'm gonna go get changed, just sit the bowl in the sink when you're done, I'll fix it up in the morning." Bianca said, leaving the tiny kitchen and heading into her own room. Within minutes she had slipped on an old, oversized t-shirt and a pair of shorts, warming herself up by sliding a fluffy dressing gown. "You ready for bed, Maya?"

"Yep! Just getting in now." Maya called back, her voice slightly muffled.

"Alright, I'll be in in a minute. Just let me brush my teeth!" Bianca replied, her bare feet smacking on the cold tiles as she walked to the bathroom. Sighing as she saw her reflection, Bianca tied up her blonde curls and began washing off her makeup. Once she no longer resembled a sweaty racoon, Bianca brushed her teeth and then walked around the apartment switching everything off before stopping at Maya's room. "Do you need me to wake you up tomorrow morning?"

"No, that's okay. You sleep in, I'll walk over to Riley's and we'll catch the subway together. You just focus on getting a good nights sleep. You're gonna smash this interview!"

"Thanks, M. Love you and I hope you have a good day tomorrow, I'll see you afterwards." Bianca whispered, walking over to Maya's bed and gently kissing her forehead before pulling Maya's blankets tighter to her body.

"Love you too, B." Maya mumbled back, slowly closing her eyes and resting her head to the side.

"Sweet dreams." Bianca spoke while he switched off Maya's light and pulled the thin curtains close. Without another word, she walked to her own bedroom and jumped into her bed, wondering what the next day was going to bring.

Unfortunately, nothing could've prepared her for what awaited the next day.

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