13. tattooed heart

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Bianca was making Maya's favourite chicken pasta while mindlessly dancing around the kitchen. She felt good, carefree and happy. She had the day off work and classes were yet to start, so Bianca had planned to catch up with Georgie in an attempt to make a college friend other than Josh. Georgie had an electric vibe that drew Bianca in and as far as friends go, she seemed like she was a good one.

They were just going for coffee so Bianca didn't bother dressing up: she wore ripped jeans, an old white tee and a leather jacket with white converse to top it off. Her hair was in a messy plait and she had barely any makeup on, not that she needed any. 'I Miss You' by Blink 182 started to play from her phone and suddenly the wooden spoon became a microphone as Bianca very dramatically sang and danced along to the song, completely oblivious to anything else going on.

Lost in the music she went for a big finish, screaming the quiet lyrics at the top of her lungs as she stood up onto a kitchen chair waving her spare arm about. A slow clapping pulled her back into reality with a sheepish grin, there in the doorway stood Josh, Maya and Riley, all wearing amused expressions and clapping her performance.

"Uh, hey guys. Want some pasta?" Bianca asked, climbing down off the chair and walking over to her phone to pause her music as the three walked into the kitchen. Maya and Riley sat down at the bench, resting their heads in their palms as they nodded enthusiastically.

"That, that was quite a show," Josh chuckled, walking over to sling his arm around Bianca. "No pasta though, babe, I'm just here for you."

"Babe?" Bianca challenged, raising an eyebrow as she rolled out from under Josh's arm.


"I, uh, no-no I wasn't calling you babe-"

"Damn, for a second there I thought you were finally giving in to your feelings. I know you like me." Josh joked, winking as he stole the pasta and began scooping it into bowls for the girls before sliding them across to Riley and Maya.

"Oh really?"

"See, you're not denying it!" Josh exclaimed, grinning as Bianca matched his playful smile.

"Maybe I just like to get your hopes up." She shrugged, tossing her plait.

"You're not that kind of girl, babe." Josh quipped back, pulling Bianca back into his arms; his smile widening as she made no attempt to move from him this time.

"You guys are adorable," Riley sighed, looking at her uncle and Bianca with a dreamy smile on her face. "Just get married already."

"Planning on it, kid." Josh winked, squeezing Bianca's shoulders softly.

"We're not even together!" The oldest blonde protested, pushing Josh gently yet staying put.

"Yet." Maya teased, earning a high five from Josh and nodding from Riley as she stuffed her face with chicken pasta. "On a completely different topic, wanna come to Topanga's with us, B?"

"I would love to, but I'm meeting up with Georgie in a few minutes so I'm gonna have to get going. Next time though, kiddo."

"Mind if I join?" Josh asked, expecting Bianca to shrug and agree.

"Girls day, sorry Josh," Bianca rushed, giving him a sheepish grin before hugging him and walking towards the door. "I'll see you guys later, stay out of trouble!"

"We always do, B," Maya called out after her, her mouth full of pasta.


"Let's do it,"

"Georgie, you hardly know me,"

"I don't care, it'll be fun! Just a small heart on our wrists; it'll be super cute and if our friendship ends badly you can say it symbolizes your last name and I can just say I thought it looked cool," Georgie shrugged, a mischievous glint in her eyes and she tried to convince Bianca to get a matching tattoo with her.

"Okay, okay, I'm in."

"Great, that only took an hour of convincing! I have a stick-and-poke kit back in my dorm, we can tattoo each other right now before you chicken out."


"Oh, don't tell me you're against stick-and-poke?" Georgie groaned, physically sagging as though Bianca's qualms were draining her. "I promise I've done heaps and nothing bad has happened, we'll even trace the heart first to make sure it's the right shape and it where we want it, etc etc."

"I'm not against them, it's just so sudden. To be perfectly honest, I wasn't expecting you to be my tattooist, but hey it's fine. I'm keen, let's do it." Bianca explained, offering a half-hearted smile as she ignored her nerves and the voice in her head telling her that this is a very bad idea.

"Perfect! You know Hart, I think it's gonna take you a bit to get my spontaneous nature, but I promise it's a lot of fun. You and I are gonna have some amazing adventures, I just know it."

In response, Bianca genuinely smiled back and followed her leather jacket clad friend to the subway without another word, nothing else needed to be said.


"Okay, I love it!" Bianca grinned, looking at her newly tattooed wrist in awe. "You're amazing, Georgie."


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"I know, I know." Georgie joked, tossing a dark strand of hair over her shoulder and posing as her friend laughed. "You did a lot better at tattooing than I had expected, this is pretty good, Hart. I think we've just discovered your true calling, you should definitely be a tattoo artist!"

"It was a very stressful experience, definitely not my true calling," Bianca laughed, tearing her eyes away from her new tattoo to look up Georgie who was laughing just as hard. "Thanks for this, today's been so much fun."

"Anytime, Hart. Anytime at all."


A/N: hi guys, im finally back!!!!! i hope you like this chapter and please remember to vote and comment, I love to see what you guys have to say. love you all and I hope you're having a wonderful day xxx

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