07. Party Time

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"What do I wear?" Bianca groaned, falling back onto her bed with a loud creak. "What are you supposed to wear to a college orientation party? I feel like a hoodie and my favourite jeans won't cut it."

"Okay, well first of all we're straightening your hair. And secondly, if you're going to feel comfortable in your favourite jeans, then wear them! Pair it with a pair of killer boots, a pretty shirt and a nice jacket and you'll be all good." Georgie told her new friend over the phone, "But you'll have to come over to my room at least an hour before the party so I can do your hair."

"Alright, okay. Just let me figure out what I'm wearing and I'll be on my way over." Bianca replied, hanging up as she forced herself to stand up and sort through her clothes. She decided to take Georgie's advice and wear her favourite jeans, high waisted black skinnies, but opted for a cropped, cream sweater with the cuffs rolled up instead of a proper shirt. She then slid on a simple bangle and went into her mum's room in search of black ankle boots with a reasonable heel.

Pulling on the boots, Bianca then moved into the bathroom, blasting old Jonas Brothers songs as she started to do her makeup. Keeping it simple yet classy, she just added dark red lipstick to her regular 'natural' make-up look and finished it off by adding clear gloss over the top of her burgundy lips.

Dramatically singing along to 'Year 3000', the blonde debated trying liquid eyeliner. She absolutely loved the look liquid eyeliner gave girls, but doubted she'd get it perfect.

Shrugging in a 'what-the-hell' motion, she took a deep breath as 'Year 3000' began to die out and prepared herself to give it a go. 'S.O.S' started playing and she placed the liquid eyeliner at the tip of her eye, slowly and ever so carefully winging it out. Cheering proudly, after what felt like an hour, as she successfully finished her left eye, admiring her hard work before moving onto the right.

The second she began to draw, Maya burst in screaming 'Lovebug' lyrics at the top of her lungs; causing Bianca to jump in surprise. The surprise very clear as her good start turned awful.

Instead of a perfect, straight line, the oldest Hart sister now had a wobbly smudge extending from her eye and a very frustrated expression on her face.

"I am so sorry, B! I, uh, yeah."

"Ugh, it's fine. Just get me a makeup wipe, I'll have to start again." Bianca replied, doing her best not to get too angry with Maya. It wasn't easy though, the right eye was beginning to look even better than the left before it was ruined. Yeah, that was a nice 3 seconds.

"They're right beside you." Maya told her, pulling one from the pale pink packet and handing it to her sister. "Who are you trying to impress anyway? Hot date?"

"Thanks and no, I'm going to the college orientation party. All this," Bianca explained, gesturing to her outfit and makeup, "is to make sure I don't look like I'm 12."

"Ah, good move. I'm just gonna go and let you finish that in peace, but don't leave without saying goodbye, I want to make sure you look alright." Maya said, leaving the bathroom just in case she distracted B again, only getting a nod in reply as Bianca set to work on restarting her eyeliner.

3 Jo Bro songs later, Bianca emerged from the bathroom a triumphant grin present on her face as she batted her eyelashes, giving Maya the opportunity to see her eyelids closed.

"You look really pretty, but I don't think you'd let me leave in an outfit like that." Maya critiqued, smirking slightly as she eyed the sliver of porcelain skin visible between her sister's sweater and jeans.

"That's because you're 14 and need I remind you, I'm technically an adult. I can leave wearing just a bikini top and shorts if I want to."

"Alright, you can go. Just because your skin is only visible if you move certain ways." Maya joked, grinning widely as Bianca rolled her eyes, a small smile playing on her lips while she turn to leave.

"I'll see you later, honey bun."

"Have fun, B!"


About an hour and a half later, Georgie and Bianca headed down to the Meeting Room, nervous and excited energy pulsing through the two girls. Georgie was wearing floral skinny jeans, a baggy black button-up shirt and black boots similar to Bianca's. Her glossy black hair was in loose, messy curls and her makeup was simple, but really played up her warm, brown eyes, which were arguably her best feature.

"Ooh, I wonder if your boy will be here." Georgie teased, bumping B slightly.

"My boy?"

"Yeah, Josh isn't it?" Georgie asked, scanning the busy room for another familiar face. "You know, you haven't introduced us."

"I hardly know him, but maybe I'll introduce you later. That is if we have the misfortune of running into him." Bianca told her, smiling softly as the music got louder. "Come on, let's go dance!"

In response, Georgie laughed back and allowed her blonde friend to pull her closer to the center of the room. The grin not leaving her face as they joined the mass of dancing bodies, Bianca finally letting go from all her stress.

As far as making friends goes, Bianca met a few people while dancing, but none that she managed to remember the names of. Georgie on the other hand, as expected, was a total social butterfly and was not only flirting more than what Bianca even realised was possible, but befriended heaps of freshman, introducing Bianca to every person she met.

"Hey, I'm gonna go get a drink, do you want one?" Bianca asked Georgie, tapping her shoulder to get her attention. When she smiled back and shook her head lightly, Bianca headed to the edges of the room towards the drink table.

Distracted, Bianca was quickly brought back into reality as a cold liquid drenched her sweater.

Looking up to make sense of what had happened, she was met with the face of a young woman who was looking at her in apologetic shock.

"I am so, so sorry! I was bringing out a new bowl of punch, but I wasn't really paying attention and I tripped over someone and as I stumbled the punch slipped. I honestly am so sorry." The red headed woman gushed, awkwardly trying to pat Bianca dry.


"Bianca, what happened to you?" Josh asked, seeming to come from no where as he approached her, lightly touching her wet shoulder.

"The punch kinda ended up on me." Bianca awkwardly explained as the red headed girl who was to blame hurried away to put the - now empty - punch bowl away.

"Come with me, you can borrow a shirt of mine. I have a spare set of clothes in my friend's room." He told her, now rubbing her shoulders like he was afraid she was cold. "You're kinda sticky too, I'll help you wash off."

"Thank you, honestly, thank you, but I'm alright. I'll just borrow some of Georgie's clothes." The blonde replied, trying to slightly distance herself.

"Don't be ridiculous, I'm just trying to help, not asking you on a date. Come on, it'll only take a few minutes and you'll be a lot more comfortable." Josh persisted, softly gripping onto her arm as he pulled her toward his friend's room, not bothering to wait for her to object again.

"Thank you." Bianca sighed, smiling gratefully at him as they made it into the hallway as he turned slightly and grinned back, his boyish smile causing her to laugh.

Maybe she had been wrong, maybe running into Josh wasn't misfortune at all.

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