11. babe'n bacon deluxe

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It was 10am when Bianca forced herself up out of bed and decided to make Maya chicken pasta for her to eat later tonight while she was at work. Although much to her surprised, instead of being at school, Maya was at the kitchen table staring blankly at the cracked wall. Instantly, Bianca knew something was wrong, but she sensed that right now wasn't the best time to draw attention to it.

"I'm thinking we should paint that wall a crisp white. It'd really brighten up the place, don't you think?" Bianca commented, leaning on the back of Maya's chair as the youngest sibling turned to look at her in wonder.

"You're not even going to ask?" Maya questioned, raising an eyebrow at the blonde smiling down at her.

"Nope! If you want to talk about it, I'm here and you know that, but if you want to feel better and do something productive with the day, since you're skipping school, I'm also willing to help with that."

With a curious grin, Maya stood up and nodded, "I think white is the perfect colour."

"Great, we have a tin of white paint in the cabinet. I bought it ages ago specifically to paint these walls, but I never really had the time. You go get the paint and I'll change into more appropriate clothes for painting." B explained, laughing as Maya saluted her in response. 


As it turned out, the girls were a lot better at getting paint everywhere they shouldn't, rather than actually painting on the walls. They had a blue tarp covering the scratchy carpet and tape protecting the skirts, but both the Hart sisters were covered in paint splatters. By the time they had finished the kitchen walls, Bianca and Maya were both singing their old favourite songs at the top of their lungs and carelessly waving about the paint rollers and brushes with bright grins plastered across their faces.

"Thanks, B. I really needed this, today has been amazing." Maya said in a quiet voice, interrupting Bianca's dramatic solo in 'Breaking Free'.

"Anytime, Maya. You do know I love you and am prepared to do anything to see that cheeky smile of yours, don't you? This is no trouble as long as you're happy."

"I do and I am.. Thank you," Maya nodded, putting down her roller and stepping back to appreciate their handy work. "This looks so much better, it even makes our cracked splash back look nicer."

"It does, smells terrible though," B added, slowly realising how hungry she was. "Since this is all finished, wanna go out for a really late lunch before I have to start getting ready for work? It's probably a good idea to get away from the paint fumes for a bit." Bianca suggested, also putting down her paint brush and stepping back with Maya. She was right, the black and white tiles on the broken splash back seemed to stand out and pop more with the white surrounding it.

"Sure, I'm starving and I really feel like a burrito." Maya agreed, grabbing her coat from the back of the door and turning to patiently wait for her older sister who looked at her questioningly.

"You're gonna leave the house like that? M, you're covered in paint."

"And so are you, who really cares? No one will pay any attention to us anyway." Maya shrugged, opening the door as Bianca's stomach rumbled, convincing her to leave looking like a piece of art gone wrong.

"Alright, kiddo. Let me just go grab my purse and we can go get some burritos."

"Sounds pretty good to me." Maya beamed, pulling on her coat and stepping outside the apartment as Bianca hurried out behind her, dropping the keys into her bag as she locked the door after them. As they made their way out onto the street, Bianca decided it was time to finally ask.

"Okay, so obviously not everything's okay, do you think you're ready to talk about it? Anyone I need to beat up?"

"You'll hate me.." Maya mumbled, looking down at her feet to avoid her sister's confused gaze.

"I won't hate you, nothing could make me hate you. What's happened, why didn't you go to school?"

"I'm avoiding Lucas and Riley."

"And why would you be doing that?" Bianca pushed, trying to piece together what was going on.

"Because... Because I like Lucas and Riley can't find out."

"Why can't you tell Riley? She's your best friend."

"Because she likes Lucas too.." Maya sighed, reluctantly meeting Bianca's sympathetic eyes.

"Avoiding two people you love isn't the answer, it's a sucky situation, but you have to do what's right. You need to be honest with them both or move on. I'm so sorry M, but there is no easy solution to this. I can't tell you what to do, but I want you to know that I'll be right here supporting you regardless of what happens or what you choose. You are the strongest girl I know and I don't believe for a second that this has the power to keep you down for long. We'll get through this and eventually everything is going to be amazing."

"I'm so glad I have you, I honestly don't know how I'd get by without your wise words and support. Thank you for always making me feel loved." Maya whispered, giving her sister a sad smile as Bianca wrapped her arm around her and lead her into a small burrito shop.

"You're Maya Hart, I'm confident that you'd get by just fine. For the record though, I don't know what I'd do without you either and you are loved by so many people, never doubt that for a second. Now, enough of all this sappy stuff before I cry," Bianca told her, laughing slightly as she said she might cry before swiftly changing the topic. "What kind of burrito would you like?"

"One with lots of bacon, any suggestions?"

"Oh, I know just the thing." Bianca winked, stepping forward to order. "Could I please have a babe'n bacon deluxe burrito and I think I'll have a.. vegetarian burrito without mayonnaise."

"You know me so well." Maya laughed, finding the babe'n bacon deluxe on the menu and reading the ingredients. It was perfect.


a/n: I hope you guys love maya and bianca's relationship as much as I do, they're so cute :))))

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