03. Disasters

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Bianca woke up late. By the time she was up, she only had an hour till her interview and it was a 15 minute walk. Regrettably deciding to go without breakfast, she rushed around the empty apartment in search of something appropriate to wear before deciding on a simple white blouse and a blue high-waisted pencil skirt. In a hurried mess, Bianca realised she didn't have enough time to do the whole hair and makeup shebang and settled for throwing her hair into a messy ponytail.

"It'll be a miracle if I get this job." Bianca mumbled to herself while leaving the bathroom without doing her makeup, nervously realising she didn't have the time. She slid on a pair of heels and snatched her handbag from the counter before locking up and practically running downstairs. She had spent too much time trying to find something to wear and had 20 minutes left until her interview and with an estimated 15 minute walk ahead of her, the Hart girl was praying she would make it on time.

She hightailed it down the bustling streets, keeping her head down in order to avoid conversation while being careful to watch where she was going. Bianca was probably around 5 minutes away from the restaurant when she began to dig through her bag for her phone, wanting to double check her interview time. Unfortunately, those few seconds she spent not paying attention to her path, caused her to go toppling into somebody else.

"Woah, sorry I- wait a minute, Bianca? Bianca Hart?" A floppy haired boy said, staring at the blonde in wonder. "It's been ages, you-you look beautiful."

"Bianca Hart? Sorry, I've never heard of her before." Bianca replied, trying to push past the persistent boy. She knew exactly who he was; she didn't think she'd ever forget those heartless eyes, although admittedly in the New York light his eyes didn't seem so cruel.

"Bianca, you're not seriously still upset with me are you?"

"Nope, sorry I don't know who you are and my name isn't Bianca. Please stop calling me that." She tried again, walking forwards only to be pulled back.

"What's your name then?" He questioned, almost smirking at the blonde who silently cursed.

"Uh, Josh- I mean Joshie- Josie!"

"Nice try, Bianca. Why don't we go get a coffee? Catch up?"

"Because I have a job interview that you're making me late for. Now if you don't mind, please let my arm go."

"Sorry. I-uh, well I'll make sure we catch up soon!" Josh Matthews called out as he released the blonde and watched her disappear into the busy crowds.

"Not likely." She shouted back, contemplating running to the interview. She desperately needed the job and since she already looked like a mess, Bianca took off, very awkwardly running in heels. Before long she made it to the restaurant, out of breath, but amazingly just in time.

"Uh, Miss Hart?" A young, well dressed waitress questioned, looking at Bianca unsurely.


"Tanya is ready for you, would you like me to walk you in?" She replied, forcing a smile as she slightly cringed at Bianca's appearance.

"Yes, that'd be wonderful. Thank you." Bianca smiled back, her smile soon fading as the waitress leaned in and whispered in her ear,

"Did you run here and get dressed in the dark or something? You look dreadful."

"Something like that." Bianca muttered back, "actually, just point me in the general direction, I'm sure I can walk myself in."

"Oh, okay. Just straight and to your left. Good luck, you'll need it." The waitress said back, tossing a brunette lock of hair over her shoulder. Bianca didn't bother replying, she didn't want to waste time talking to some stuck up employee and so she walked up to what she assumed was the office and knocked.

"Come in!" A clipped voice called out. Taking a deep breath, Bianca pushed open the door and slowly walked in. "Oh, yes. You must be Miss Hart, correct?"

"Correct, but Bianca is just fine."

"Sure, Bianca. Take a seat and we'll get started."


"So you mean to tell me that if a customer complains about the food, you will agree with them?" Tanya demanded, staring at Bianca outraged.

"No! No, that's not at all what I meant, you just misunderstood! I-"

"Oh, I misunderstood? So I'm stupid am I? Need I remind you I own this fine establishment!"

"Tanya, I'm so sorry, what I meant to say was that I wasn't clear enough and I-"

"I think we're done here actually and it's Ms Dunter to you, Bianca." Tanya, Ms Dunter, said, cutting Bianca off.

"Please, Ms Dunter. I really want this job, I'm sorry my wording just got mixed up. Please let me start again." Bianca begged, a heartbroken expression falling upon her face.

"That will be all, thank you for your time." Ms Dunter told her, dismissing Bianca's pleads as she began to focus back on the stack of papers on her desk. "I'm sorry to inform you, but the position is no longer available."

"Right, okay. Well thank you, I guess." Bianca muttered back, showing herself out and as life would have it, as she began her walk home it started to pour down rain.

"Was this necessary?!" Bianca shouted to the grey sky, stopping on the sidewalk just to recollect herself. The young blonde sat down on the gutter, silently questioning how much more of this she could take. She didn't want to be a failure, in school she had done everything to prevent it, but still it caught up with her.

"Bianca? Sweetheart, is everything okay?" A warm voice asked, causing Bianca to look up and meet the loving eyes of Topanga who held an umbrella up over the both of them.

"Not really." Bianca replied, giving Riley's mum a sad smile.

"Why don't you come home with me and I'll make you a hot chocolate? Maya is with Riley and there's something I wanted to talk to you about anyway."

"I think that'd be really lovely, thank you Topanga. Thank you so much."

"Don't mention it." Topanga said, helping Bianca up and wrapping an arm around the young girl as she led her to the Matthews' apartment. "It's all going to be okay."


"So I was wondering if you'd be interested in working for me as a waitress at the bakery? I assume Maya already told you all about it." Topanga asked, handing her a nice warm mug of hot chocolate.

"Seriously?" Bianca questioned, her whole face lighting up as Topanga nodded. "Oh, Topanga I'd love to! Thank you so much! I honestly can't even express how happy this makes me, it means so much, thank you."

"Aw, honey, it's fine! We'd be lucky to have you, although I should let you know I'm also thinking of employing your mum. I thought it'd be nice to keep it in our family and since you guys are family to us we'd really love to have you both working there."

"I'm sure we'd both love to work for you, honestly thank you so much."

"Anytime, Bianca. I'm glad I could make you this happy." Topanga smiled, opening her mouth to add something when someone else spoke.

"I bet I could make you happier, why don't we go for that coffee? Josie?"

Hart ♡ Joshua Matthews #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now