10. Just Friends

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It was Bianca's first shift at Topanga's and surprisingly, it was going really well. The customers had all been patient and kind and her mother was easy to work with, offering help whenever possible. The cafe had quietened down after school and Bianca found herself leaning against the counter, watching Maya and her friends with a small smile on her face.

Riley, Maya, Lucas and Farkle all sat on the couches, looking very serious as they were deep in conversation and clearly concerned about something. Maya's voice raised slightly as she stood up, Bianca deciding now was the best time to intervene. 

"What's going on, kiddos?" Bianca asked, walking over and pressing her palms into the back of the couch behind Lucas.

"Nothing!" They all chorused, Maya slowly sitting back down next to Riley and smiling innocently at her older sister. 

"Oh, really?" Bianca challenged, raising an eyebrow as she gave them a knowing smile. All four wore big, childlike grins and nodded their heads.

"Nothing at all." Lucas said, turning to face the oldest blonde.

"In that case, did you guys want anything? Since it's my first shift, it's on me."

"Milkshakes all round?" Maya asked, looking around at her friends who all agreed, chorusing yes pleases and thank yous.

"Coming right up!" Bianca smiled, heading over to the drinks as she listened out for their conversation and noticed their tones were a lot friendlier. Mission accomplished, Bianca thought to herself, grabbing the vanilla ice-cream and scooping a few lumps of it into the mixer along with milk and chocolate topping, then adding the ice before closing the lid and turning it on.

While she was waiting for the milkshakes, she organised four glasses and some colourful, curly straws. As she turned to go get four napkins, Bianca spun into somebody. Instantly, she began to apologise, but stopped short when she noticed who it was.

"Oh! I'm sor- Josh, what are you doing?"

"Topanga was stuck at work and asked me to come check up on you, just to make sure you were traveling okay with your first shift. Oh, I think the milkshakes are done, by the way." Josh answered, gesturing to the beeping machine and giving Bianca a cheeky grin as he hesitated in pulling his arms away from her once she was steadied.

"It's going great actually! It's so much fun and so far everyone's been lovely." Bianca replied, returning the smile as she turned off the mixer and poured the milkshakes into the four glasses evenly and fixed the straws. "Anything I can get you?"

"How about a date?" Josh asked, Bianca facepalming as she noticed her mum walking past watching the two.

"Ooh, a date? Bianca, sweetheart, who is this handsome young gentleman?"

"Mum, this is Joshua, Josh this is my mum, Katy." Bianca introduced, gesturing to one another before continuing, "I'm sorry Josh, but it doesn't look like a date is on the menu. How about a muffin?"

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Katy. You've raised two beautiful girls," Josh said, shaking Katy's hand.

"Oh thank you, Josh. I'm glad Bianca is keeping such good company! She had better be a little nicer though or it mightn't stick around long."

"Aha, don't stress I can't see myself leaving in a hurry; annoying Hart is way too much fun." Josh winked, Bianca scoffing in response as Katy laughed and took the milkshakes from her oldest daughter and taking them down Maya and her friends. "So no date, but how about a friendly trip to the movies. My treat?" Josh tried again, Bianca taking a moment to consider this.

"Alright, I can't see an issue with that. When did you have in mind?"

"Monday?" Josh suggested, shrugging.

"Sure thing. Now shoo, I need to get back to work."

"I'll call you later, enjoy the rest of your shift!" Josh told her, swiftly pecking her cheek before leaving.

"Just friends, Josh!" She called out to him, not bothering to hide her amused smile as he spun around to face her at the door.

"It was just a friendly kiss, they do it in France all the time!"

"Whatever." She laughed back, waving as he left the small shop. The second he was out of sight, Maya and Riley appeared in front her, waggling their eyebrows suggestively.

"So, just friends, huh?" Maya asked, her tone accusing.

"Definitely just friends." Bianca nodded back, Riley shaking her head back at Maya's sibling.

"That didn't look like just friends,"

"I don't want a relationship right now, so I'm sorry girls, but that's all we are. Friends."

"But B, can't you see how cute you guys are? He's totally into you!" Maya exclaimed, clearly exasperated.

"Too bad I'm not totally into him then, isn't it? While we're on the topic, which one of you is dating Lucas?"

"Technically neither of us." Riley shrugged, earning an eyebrow raise from Bianca.

"Okay, a boy like Lucas is really rare; don't let him go because you won't find another him. He treats you both so well and he cares, not to mention he has a really nice face. Farkle is just as good to you guys, so please never take advantage of him and never take your boys for granted. You girls are so lucky to be so close with such amazing guys, I hope you know that."

"We know." Riley whispered, sharing a small smile with Maya as they turned to watch Farkle and Lucas laugh about something they couldn't hear.

"But also know that no boy is worth what you two share, alright?"

"Alright." Maya echoed, throwing an arm around Riley as she lent into the youngest Hart sister.

"Good, I'm gonna get back to work now, but let me know if you need anything else." Bianca said, smiling at the two girls as she ruffled Maya and Riley's hair.

Bianca walked back over to the counter, mindlessly wiping it down and making sure everything was clean and in place. Bianca spent the rest of her shift busying herself, doing anything to keep her mind off the fact that Josh asked her out on a date. He couldn't have been serious, could he?

a/n: sorry I've been so slack! I hope you guys like the new chapter and remember to please vote and comment! thanks for reading, you lot are seriously incredible and I love you

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