09. Sleepover

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It was around 3am when Josh was woken up by Bianca's quiet, heartbroken sobs.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Josh whispered, sitting up instantly.His eyes watching her small body shake, which was just a bump under her thick covers. The streetlight outside providing enough light for him to make out where she was. "Bianca?" He questioned again as she didn't reply, small sobs still escaping the blonde's lips.

He waited a few minutes as she still didn't answer him before he got up, cringing as the floorboards creaked under his weight and crept over to Bianca's bed. Leaning over and ever so slowly pulling the covers back, he exposed her face. The blonde's cheeks were shiny with tears, but her eyes were clamped shut and while her breaths were unsteady and she was whimpering, it was clear she was still asleep.

"Hey, hey! Bianca, wake up, everything's okay. It's alright." Josh cooed, softly shaking Bianca until her eyes fluttered opened and she unexpectedly latched onto his arm. "It was just a dream, everything's okay."

"Josh?" Bianca mumbled, squinting as she looked around, confused and disorientated.

"Yeah, I'm right here. It was just a bad dream." He gently told her, rubbing her arm up and down in a comforting manner. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"No, no. Um, could you please just stay here with me, just till I calm down?" Bianca asked, her voice sounding so little.

"I already was, I've been sleeping on the floor." Josh answered, this time being the confused one.

"No, I mean stay here. Please don't think anything of it, but I just need someone to hold me right now. Every now and again I get these dreams, but I haven't had them in years. When I got them, I used to crawl into my mum's bed and she would hug me until I fell asleep again." she explained, the look on her face so heart broken that Josh couldn't have said no if he wanted to.

"Of course, scoot over, Hart."

"Thank you." Bianca whispered back as she felt Josh cautiously wrap his long arms around her little body and gently pull her back into him. Her eyes falling shut with a shaky breath as he replied with a 'you're welcome.'. Instantly she was swarmed with comfort as she felt Josh, but that wasn't enough to make the thoughts of her horrible dream go away. All she could see was her dad leaving and a heartbroken Maya trying to understand as their mum did her best to explain through her own tears. It was the day everything changed and the last day Bianca ever felt whole. Her dad taking a piece of her when he left and shattered it into a million pieces.


Bianca woke up at 10:30am the next morning, snuggling into the arms holding her before she remembered what had happened and who she was with. Turning slowly so she wouldn't wake him, Bianca rolled over to face Josh; only to realise he was already awake and watching her, chuckling at her startled expression.

"Has anyone ever told you that you kick a lot while you sleep? Like a lot." Josh joked, his voice raspy and quiet.

"No actually, uh sorry about that." Bianca replied, grateful that Josh wasn't going to bring up her nightmare and what had happened. "Has anyone ever told you that you snore?"

"Yes actually and my mum thinks its adorable."

"I have to disagree with Mrs Matthews there." Bianca laughed, sitting up and pulling herself free from Josh's arms. "What would you like for breakfast?"

"Can you make pancakes?"

"I can make the best pancakes you'll ever eat." Bianca grinned, jumping up out of bed as Josh sleepily rubbed his eyes and climbed out after her.

"Well I guess that's what we're having then." Josh smiled back, following the blonde into the her kitchen as she turned her old iPod on and Never Shout Never came on.

"Plain, blueberry, chocolate chip or Nutella?" She asked, gathering the ingredients and utensils needed and sitting them on the bench, before leaning up against the bench as she waited for his answer.

"Hmm, I think I'm gonna have to go with chocolate chip." Josh finally answered, reaching around her and grabbing the bowl. "Okay, so how much flour?"

"1 1/4 cups. Mix it with 1tbsp of sugar, 1/4 tsp of cinnamon, 1 tbsp of baking powder and 1/4 of salt and I'll heat up the fry pan." Bianca told him as he nodded in response, taking his job of combining the dry ingredients very seriously.

As Josh mixed the dry ingredients, Bianca started on the wet ingredients until they were all combined. Satisfied, she turned to him so they could combine the dry and wet ingredients, but there was more of the dry ingredients on the messy haired boy than what there was in his bowl.

"Josh! What happened?" Bianca exclaimed, bursting out laughing as she set her eyes on him.

"What do you mean?" He asked, completely serious as he turned to Bianca completely confused.

"You're basically wearing the dry ingredients!"

"I guess I'm just so attractive that even food can't keep off me." Josh smirked, shrugging innocently as she rolled her eyes.

"Or you just weren't concentrating?"

"No, definitely the first one." Josh winked, brushing himself off.

"You're such a loser. Just hand me the bowl so I can mix everything and fold in the chocolate chips."

"Yes, ma'am." Josh saluted, sliding the bowl towards Bianca. "You know, you're really cute in the morning."

"Thanks, you're really cute when your not hitting on me."

"Alright, alright." Josh grinned back, raising his hands in surrender; Bianca laughing in response. Her laughter only causing Josh's smile to grow.

Every possible worry in the world soon drifted from their minds as all that mattered in that moment was each other and the strange feeling spreading throughout their bodies. The strange feeling perhaps being a little something called love..



We've been moving house and I haven't had internet so I haven't been able to update, but I'm back now and I'm super sorry for the long wait.

thanks for sticking around, I love you. xxx

Hart ♡ Joshua Matthews #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now