Chap. 1 The hospital

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2015   March. 7  10:39 A.M.

"No.... No....." My mothers tears makings rivers in front of me.

"I'll give you three some time to talk." The doctors cold voice stated.

"Mom. I will fight as much as I can. It's not like I'll loose an eye!" My chuckle surprising her.

"Eren! How can you joke at a time like this!? You might loose your eye and your just pushing it off like its a slight cold?! What's wrong with you?!" Mikasa's voice enraged, and ready to kill.

She got out of her chair and stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

"Eren, it's ok, just let it out." My mother rubbed my back then hugging me, and giving me a kiss on the forehead.

"Mom... It hurts if I cry... I would if I could." My right eye blood shoot and screaming in pain.

All I can do is close my eyes and hold the anger, sadness, and fear in.

'Knock! Knock!'

"Come in." The doctor stepped in quietly, "Ms. Yaeger, can you come with me. You need to sign him into the hospital."

"How long will he be here?"

"6 months if he's lucky."

My mother stood up sullenly and wobbled over out the door with the doctor.

'Why me! Crap... I just want to go home and see my friends... Armin... Sasha... Marco... Connie... And even the horse... I want to cry, but if I do my eye will look like the ghouls and the military will take me to... No stop...'

"Eren." Mikasa slide through the crack in the door.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't of said all of those hateful things. It's just, I don't want you to be alone and---"

"Mikasa I'll be fine just go home and rest."


"Just go. Ok." Tears filled her eyes.

"Be strong!" She then sprinted out of the room. Then a nurse walked in.

"Ok. I'm going to show you to your room, and your hospital gown is on the bed."

It wasn't a women, but a man. A short, black haired, and bleach smelling man.

"Yes, Mr....." I look at his name tag. "Ackerman"

He just turned around and signaled me to follow.

Floor 3, Room 26.

He opened the door and quickly scuttled away.

'Why is he in such a hurry.' I walked into the cold and extremely quiet room. Awkwardly I put on the showy, blue patterned gown and toke a seat in the bed. Testing its abilities.

"Up. Down. Up. Down." The back of the bed went.

"Hey no school, and no rules, I think I'll be ok here... Even though I might lose an eye, I can be like the lion in Noragami!" I laughed slightly.

"What an I going to do."

"Eren. Can I come in."

"Oh, yes mom!" She opened the door slowly and then gave me a tight squeeze.

"I'm going to stay the night, ok?"

"Nah, I'm good."



"I'm staying!"

"ok..." I had a look of annoyance.

"Eren you might die and you want to be alone?!"

"I just don't want Mikasa and you seeing me that way... Please forgive me..."

She looked at me with a stern look, still being able to see her dried tears.

"I'm sorry." She then sat down in the chair next to me and put her head down in shame.

5:45 P.M.

"Eren... Eren!"


"It's time to take your medicine." His voice shallow and without care, barely seeing his jet black hair.

"Ya, sure." He gave me a tray which held a pile of brightly colored pills, and a small glass of water.


"Meh" He made a dramatic turn and shuffled away. 'Gulp'



"You can go."

"I can't"

"Just go and be with Mikasa. She's devastated. Please help her."

"Ok. But I'll be here at 7:00 A.M. Sharp!"

She stood up and toke a loud yawn and picked up her stuff slowly and gave me a kiss on the head.

"Love you my baby boy."

"Mom I'm 15!"

After that she walked out of the room silently.

5:30 A.M.

"Eren! You need an I V."

"What time is it Mr. Ackerman?!"

"5:30 A.M. Why? You thought Kemo and Radiation would be easy?!. "

His face full of discused. (The first facial expression I've seen)

"I.... Um....."

"Ya I get it."

He hooked me up poking me with the needle harshly. But for some reason when he saw the blood he flinched.

'He must be squeamish around blood...'

Finally exiting with style as usual.

"Ok... Welcome to the hospital..." I said myself because know one had.

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