Chapter 4: The fight and a gentleman

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Previously in House of Gold,
-Remember you're perfect to me.
Happy birthday sunshine - Love Geebear xoxo"  

Date: 16th of November.
Dear Diary
School. I hate it. Girls are mean. Ellie and Rihanna always pick on me for hanging out with Gee. We both also hang out with Avril L; she's cool. Last week I punched Ellie in the nose because she was calling Gee gay for hanging out with me. HE IS NOT GAY! He is my little Geebear! And we are 9 so what's the prob?

I write in my diary in the cafe. Gerard and I sit at a table with all the rejects. It's a small group though. It goes Gee, me, Avril, Patrick and Brendon.

No one likes Brendon Urie because he has a habit of laughing at random times and screaming when excited.
No one likes Patrick Stump because he has weird hair and has a weird voice.
No one likes Avril Lavigne because she dresses very dark and has her hair spiked in a dirty blonde mohawk.
No one likes me because I hang out with too many boys and add blood to everything.
No one likes Gee because he always hangs out with me and he's chubby. His chub is adorable.

We are the rejects.


As I make my way to class with Gerard, I feel a piece of paper being thrown at us. We turn around to see a scrunched up paper ball. I open it and it says:

To Gerard
Meet me at the playground after school. If you dont show up, youre a wimp.

I pass it to him and he nods. What?! HE'S REALLY GONNA GO? I'm coming with him. We both carry on walking to class.


As the bell goes, I turn to see Gerard looking all nervous. I grab his hand and rub it as we walk to the playground. I suddenly regret taking Gerard there, because there is a group of kids circling the person who threw the paper. We walk closer and my eyes widen at who the bully is..

My brother.

Ray and Bob grab me to the side so I can't move but only watch. I try to get out of their grasp but it's no use. Gerard slowly backs up, but the circle has now closed and he's trapped with my brother.

"I thought I told you to stay away from my sister!" Frank growls.

"No! I am not listening to your idiotic words! I will not give in and leave her side. I am no coward." Gerard snaps, standing tall. He comes off so sweet when he uses big words.

"Huh, you're a nerd too? I warned you. I told you to stay away from my sister, but no you didn't! This is what you get for being a faggot!" Frank shouts before tackling Gerard over.

I start crying, see the two boys that mean most to me fight. Frank starts punching him in the eye whilst Gerard is struggling to get up. The crowd is chanting 'FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!'. Gerard kicks Frank off and starts to back away.

"I will not fight the brother of Hazel." He states as he shakes his head.

"YOU ARE WEAK! YOU'RE FAAAAT! YOU'RE A NERD! YOU'RE GAY! YOU'RE A MISTAKE!" Frank screams as the crowd cheers. I start sobbing.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE FRANK! LEAVE HIM ALONE!" I yell through my tears.

Frank ignores me and starts punching Gerard's stomach. I slowly see Gerard scrunch up his face, taking the pain. Frank finally punches Gerard's stomach so hard, he falls to the ground as gasps for air.

The crowd slowly walks away and Bob and Ray let go, walking with the crowd. As Frank approaches me I can't look at him.

"You're a monster." I state. The look of hurt flows through his iris. I walk straight pass him and fall right next to Gerard. He's having a panic attack. "Breathe, Geebear. Breathe for me." I repeat for a while, stroking his sweaty hair on his forehead.

He slowly calms down and I see a bruise form around his right eye. I start to cry.

"I'm so sorry, Gerard." I sob.

"I am no coward, Hazel Lilac Iero. And I will not fight the brother related to you. I will never leave your side, nor give in into Frank's pity game of hatred. I am not rich, I am not skinny, I am not flawless, I am not perfect. But I can offer many more. I am only a 9 year old boy, who will put up pain, hate and lables for you, Hazel." He says softly.

My eyes water with amazement. A 9 year old boy speaks to me as a gentleman. His words mean everything to me and I start to smile as I cry. I bend down and hug him softly, careful not to hurt is aching body.

"That was beautiful, Gerard." I hear my grandma and Donna say at the same time behind me. I don't bother to greet them; my focus is all on Gerard.

"No, I simply do not believe in beauty. Though, for Hazel, I can make an exception." He sasses as I blush. I carefully help him up and have my arms wrapped around his shoulders as he walks. My grandma gasps as she sees him.

"Gerard, you are a gentleman for my little Hazel. You won't hurt her brother, and you put up for lots of things for her. Thank you." She says in a sing-song tone. 

He nods and smiles. I wrap my arms around his torso and give him the biggest hug in the world. Before he goes to walk away with his mother, I peck his lips and walk away with my grandma.


As we get into the mini van I sit silent and ignore Frank. Grandma huffs with anger and starts to drive.

"Frank, all you have done is hurt that sweet boy! I saw what you did to his face! Do you know what the saddest part is? HE SAID HE WOULDN'T LAY A BLOODY FINGER ON YOU BECAUSE YOU WERE HAZEL'S BROTHER! HE PUT UP WITH YOUR COMMENTS AND HATE! HE SAID THE MOST SWEETEST THING TO HER AND I HOPE YOU KNOW THAT YOU ARE BLOODY HELL IN TROUBLE!" My grandma rants.

Frank scoffs and rolls his eyes. I ignore his responce and think about Gerard. He is my sunshine, my only sunshine.


Hope you like the sweetest thing in the world.

~Dino Jay-Jay

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