Chapter 9: The song that made me love with him all over again.

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So I'm only gonna do the previously thing if I haven't updated in a while and you forgot where it last took off.

Gerard's POV (Wow! New pov!)

I'm now 14. Hazel is still alive. I've gone to every single treatment with her. First she lost some hair, but then it grew back. I get homeschooled now because I wanted to stay with Hazel as much as possible. We both do actually. Frank is still being a dick to me.

I had a gift for her, so I came over to her house. I didn't have to knock, Marie (Her grandma) said I can just come over at any time, so I just walked up to her room and walk in. She wasn't in there. She had a bathroom in her room so I opened the door..

Bad idea.

I saw her trying making herself vomit. No. I quietly snuck up behind her and pick her up. She looked like she got a fright. I placed her on her bed and sat infront of her.

"Why?" I ask.

"I just to be beautiful." She says as she looks down. I lift her head to face me.

"But you're gorgeous. Why be beautiful when you're gorgeous?" I say truthly. I've had a huge crush on her ever since we were 9. All our friends knew that.

"I want to be normal. Not dying of cancer." She replies. I smile and walk over to her drawer. I grab the scissors and make her sit down on the floor with me. I hand her the scissors.

"Cut my hair." I state. She looks at me with confusion. "We're not normal. Cut it."

"You can cut mine after I'm done with you." She giggles. Hazel crawls behind me and I see some of my long black hair fall off. 

After she finished, she gave me a mirror. Wow. My hair was short but not too short. I was shaggy. I loved it. I smiled to her and yanked her to sit in my lap.

"You sure? You're hair goes up to your butt?" I ask. She nods so I start cutting. I heard her squeal when I gave her a long strip of hair. I just chuckled and carried on. I gave her a pixie cut. She looked beautiful. I gave her the mirror and she giggled.

I helped her clean it up and told her to count to 200, then look outside the window. 

Hazel's POV

He left my bedroom as I counted.

..189, 199, 200!

I smiled and went to the window. I sat on the windowsill and saw Josh with a drum, Tyler with a ukulele, and Gerard wearing different clothes then before. He actually looked cute.

He wore a red flannel top, grey jeans, and a white bow tie.

"NICE HAIR, HAZEL!" Josh yelled. I giggled. Tyler started playing the ukulele as him and Gerard started singing.

"She asked me, "Son, when I grow old,
Will you buy me a house of gold?
And when your father turns to stone,
Will you take care of me?"

She asked me, "Son, when I grow old,
Will you buy me a house of gold?
And when your father turns to stone,
Will you take care of me?"

I will make you queen of everything you see,
I'll put you on the map,
I'll cure you of disease.

They sounded beautiful and it was cute when he said he could cure me of disease. Josh started hitting the drum.

"Let's say we up and left this town,
And turned our future upside down.
We'll make pretend that you and me,
Lived ever after happily.

She asked me, "Son, when I grow old,
Will you buy me a house of gold?
And when your father turns to stone,
Will you take care of me?"

I will make you queen of everything you see,
I'll put you on the map,
I'll cure you of disease.

And since we know that dreams are dead,
And life turns plans up on their head,
I will plan to be a bum,
So I just might become someone.

She asked me, "Son, when I grow old,
Will you buy me a house of gold?
And when your father turns to stone,
Will you take care of me?"

I will make you queen of everything you see,
I'll put you on the map,
I'll cure you of disease
." They sang softly. Gerard held up a sign.

Will you go out with me?

I smiled and grabbed some paper and a pen. I showed him the paper.

Of course!

The two boys laughed and gave Gerard a huge hug. The three of them came inside as I walked downstairs to see Patrick and Avril.

"Did you say yes?" They asked in unison. I nodded and they fangirled. Avril grabbed my hand and forced me into to living room. Gerard, Tyler and Josh came in. Ty and Jo Jo gave me thumbs up. Gerard sat down next to me on the couch and pecked my nose. I heard everyone say aww.

Tyler put on the tape my grandma recorded when we were younger and we all danced after school. 

"Take my hand, take my whole life too. 'Cause I can't help falling in love with you." We all sung together with the tape.

"Oh my god! Remember when you danced with Frank?" I asked Josh. He rolled his eyes.

"Don't remind me." He scoffed. We all laughed. Grandma and Frank came in through the front door. They went shopping earlier.

"What's happened? Why are you all here?" She asked.

"GERARD ASKED HAZEL OUT AND SHE SAID YES!" Patrick said with excitement. Frank almost choked. My grandma smiled at gave Gerard a huge hug.

"I've been waiting for you to ask her out! You're a good boy!" She sang and went into the kitchen.

Frank just stared at us in disbelief.

I felt like annoying Frank, so I gave Gerard a kiss on the lips, earning a cheer from the dorky friends around me.

"I love you, Hazel nut." Gerard said as he blushed and leaned his head on my shoulder.

"I love you too, Geebear." I said back and leaned my head on his.


Hopefully you forgave me. See you in the next chapter!


He Played Me A Song |Gerard Way|Where stories live. Discover now