O......M.......G 0_0

124 10 0

Me: O...M....G

Jeff: what is it Rexy???

Me: we just gotttt..........

Ben:*teleport* got what???

Me: we almost got 400 viewers 0_0

Ben: SAY WHAT??!!! :0

Jeff: holllyyyy f#####kkkk!!!!

Me: *slap* language

Jeff: owwww okayyy

Me: :) good

Me: anyway guys thanks for always looking at my book thank you very much ^_^

Jeff: thank you :)

Ben: you should have done that

Sally: thank you

Me: Sally since you are here


EJ: thank you

Slender: thank you child

LJ: bwahahaha thank you

Me: -.- *facepalm*

Jeff: whatever guys

Ben: sooo, let's say thank you to the viewers....1......2........3

Everyone:THANK YOU!!!!!! >.<

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