Virus Girlfriend and Jeff kiss Jane

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Me: dare for Jeff, kiss Jane :D

Jeff: ummm *blush* okay, Jane!!!!

Jane: why the f**k you shou--

Jeff: *kiss Jane on the lips*

Me: everyone come here!!!!

Everyone: *sees Jeff kiss Jane* :o OMGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!

Toby: yess!!!! I knew it you like her Jeff, Ben give meh the f**king monah!!!!

Ben: dammit!!!! *hands Toby $100*

Sally: Jeff and Jane K.I.S.S.I.N.G on the tree, and there goes married and babies!!!! Ahhhh!!!! >v< *fangirl's scream* (wow Sally, wow, never knew you are a fangirl)

Slender: don't care, just wasting my time *teleport to somewhere else*

Me: and Virus, Alkyanaura ask you to date her :D awww

Mad: good luck brother :)

Virus: ummm, okayy.... *blushing while he go with Alkyanaura*

Me: and someone ask me why I made English ask and dare CP, because maybe there are some people who come from another place not in Indonesia, so I make an English book, because English was a Universal language that other people must learn for getting a job(many of the job) but I was thinking to make this book into Indonesian language but it will make no sense if English book suddenly turn into Indonesian language, so maybe I will make another CP ask or dare with Indonesia Version

Jeff: cool

Me: hmhm, and Jeff has already kissing his long time crush

Jeff: shut up!!! *blush*

Jane: *shock and blush very deep red tomato face*

Me: :)

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