Chapter 3: Rehearsal

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Chris' POV

Those words got me thinking. Am I actually falling for someone I've only saw a month ago? In a video of him singing Skyscraper? Well, the first time I see him, I got this tingling sensation in my body. So that must be it. It's pretty obvious I'm in love with this guy.

"Er, we have to be comfortable with each other, as Ryan said," I explained, pointing at Ryan, "So, I decided to make you comfortable with me."

"I doubt it, now," Darren chuckled lightly, facing down, "No, no, Chris, I didn't mean that, I was joking."

"I know you were joking, heh," I forced a smile.

"Boys, we reached Dalton already. Are you guys hungry?" Ryan asked.

"I'm good," I smiled.

"Yeah me too," Darren flashed a thumbs up.

With that, Ryan left for his food. Darren and I went into Dalton slowly, and was amazed when we saw students streaming out.

Darren's POV

"Woah, I like their uniform!" I exclaimed softly.

It's a blue and red blazer and it really suits my dark hair. I stared in awe as they rushed down the stairs towards the exit. I'm guessing school's over.

"You're gonna wear it," Chris winked, "Blaine Warbler Anderson."

"My middle name is Warbler?" I said, confused.

"Oh, no no no, Ryan hadn't find a middle name for Blaine," Chris explained, "he said he'll find a middle name soon."

"Y'know, Chris. I've been acting cold towards you lately," I admitted, "I just wanna apologize."

"It's alright, Darren, we're brothers, brothers can do anything they want to each other," Chris smiled and his eyes sparkled.

That was the first time I ever looked right into his eyes. It was full of lust and delight. When his eyebrow wrinkled, I looked away, blushing.

"Are you fine?" Chris asked.

"Yeah, let's just rehearse," I smiled for brief seconds.

Chris' POV

That was weird. He was staring at me. He was literally staring. Was that a clue? No, he has a girlfriend. I sighed. A girlfriend. He's as straight as a ruler. But who knows...?

I nodded my head in agreement and took out the script from my bag. I handed it to him and his face turned into a pale mask.

"Darren, are you really okay?" I asked.

Then for a moment, there was something moving below. I looked at Darren's tight jeans and saw a big bulge on it. I looked away, trying not to see it. When Darren realized, he stopped reading the script and tried his best covering it.

"Er, yah, I'm fine," he murmured.

"Riiiiiiiight," I smiled.

Then, we started rehearsing countless of time til Darren understood every single thing. It took us 3 hours to get it perfect. By the time, Darren was drained out.

"I'm so tired," Darren sighed.

"You have to run everyday, Darren, you need a lot more stamina," Chris smirked.

Darren kept huffing. There was an hour more to shooting so Darren decided to have a short nap. I laughed to myself as I looked at Darren. Well, how sloppy Darren is, he's still perfect to me.

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