Chapter 12: End

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Darren's POV

I knew all about why Jade did all these. To get closer to me. To lure me into her whore-ish life. It's luck that Chris told me before everything is too late.

"Hey, Darry," Jade's voice hovered above me.


"Are we still up for the trip plan?"

"Nah, I'm tired, Jade."

"But you pro-"

"I'm tired."

With that, I went into Chris' room and slammed the door. I found Chris just entering the bathroom to wash.

"Holy cheesesandwichwithchickensontop! What was that for?" Chris asked, nearly losing grip of his towel.

Auhm, kinky.

"Oh, Jade is bothering me so I'm staying here," I rubbed my face.

"Oh, make yourself comfortable," Chris smiled.

"Chris," I called him out before he can lock the door.


"Can I wash up with you?"

Chris' POV

Was he dreaming or am I the one dreaming? He literally asked if he can bathe with me. Or was he trying to be closer to me? Without me knowing, I nodded my head and he jumped up and hugged me tightly. It was too late to say no.

"I love you so much. Thanks for being so nice to me," Darren squeezed my hand.

I went into the bathtub and closed the curtains while Darren undressed in the other part of the toilet.

My nerves is pulsing and I am worried sick. What if everything goes wrong. What if he doesn't like me. This is too spontaneous.

"I'm coming in, Chris," Darren's sweet voice melodies through the room.

"Er, yah, okay," I trembled.

The curtains opened and revealed Darren with his boxers only. He slipped into the bath tub and pulled his boxers down. Then, he placed them by the side.

"This is nice," he said as he laid his head on my chest.

I remained quiet. Everything goes too fast.

"Are you okay?" Darren asked me and spun around.

I winced in pain.

Darren's POV

Why is Chris looking so hurt? Does he not like this? I stroked his hand to feel something rough underneath the water and I held out his wrists. There were cuts on them and I am so surprised about it. Did Chris actually cut?

"Baby, why would you do this?" I asked, looking worried as ever.

"It was nothing. That was a long time ago," Chris looked away, shamefully.

"But you were wincing and this looks like you cut yesterday! Why didn't you tell me anything?" I cried.

"I was worried sick that Jade will bring you to somewhere after the trip to water world and you start cheating on me," Chris admitted, looking down.

"You don't trust me, do you?" I asked, disappointed.

"I trust you. I don't trust Jade."

"Then why must you do this because of assuming something is going on between Jade and me?" I stroked his cheeks.

"It's because I love you with all my heart and I can't bear it if you were to leave me alone. You're my first love, Darren."

"I am?"

"Yes you are. Promise me you will never leave me alone for another guy or girl?" Chris asked.

"I promise, my love, I promise with all my heart," I kissed him passionately.

This is it. Chris is the guy I want to live with for the rest of my life.

A/N: So that was the ending. This story was short because I was out of ideas. I'm sorrrrryy. And besides, exams are coming :( I hope you enjoyed! The next fanfict I'll be writing is a Kurtana fanfict. Stay tune to meee!

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