Chapter 11: Uncovered

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Darren's POV

I've been observing Jade for a while now and she seems even more stressed out than usual. In the middle of the night when we were all sleeping, she would scream really loud, waking the others up. Chris and I would rush to her room ( and parents') and find her crying. She will then stop crying but with one exception. She will have to sleep with me.

One night, I was staying up all night, talking to Jade about her life.

"I seemed to miss him more ever since you moved in with us, Darren. I really can't take this, I'm too lonely," Jade cried into my shoulder.

I patted her back and kissed her hair as she continued sniffing. Tomorrow's work and I usually slept earlier than usual but for Jade, I'll stay all day to make her fine.

"Jade, it's alright. Everything's fine, sweetie. Chris, me and your parents are here for you. Tomorrow, after work, Chris and I will bring you on a birthday trip, alright? We'll have fun!" I assured her.

"Are you sure all this will disappear soon?" Jade wondered aloud.

"Yes, honey, yes it will." That was the first time I called a girl honey ever since I broke up with Mia.

Jade slept by my side and I slept, hugging her tightly as ever.

Chris' POV

Why is Darren so late today. And where the hell is Jade. I knocked the door countless of times and no one replied. I took the key from the drawer and unlocked it to find Darren hugging Jade, sleeping side by side.

"What the hell, Darren," I frowned as I lightly slapped his face.

He opened his eyes slightly and pulled away from Jade.

"Oh my god, she slept in my arms," Darren laughed sweetly.

"What happened last night?" I asked suspiciously.

"Uh, I can't really tell you this. It's a secret," Darren explained.

"I knew both of you had something hiding. Tell me or I'll cut you, Darren," I threatened.

"Ugh, just give me a minute. I'm washing up then I'll tell you," Darren leaned in and planted a small kiss on my lips.

"Ah, okay," I smiled a little.

Anything Darren does to me makes me tingles.

I placed Darren's tees and warblers blazer on the bed as I prepared toast for the whole family. Seconds later, my parents and Jade are already sitting on the table.

I placed the dishes on the table and glared at Jade. She smirked at me and began gobbling up her food. Within splits seconds, Darren appeared, as dapper as ever.

"Hey, grab your breakfast and we're off," I said.

Minutes later, both of them bid goodbyes to Chris' parents and Darren hugged Jade tightly, looking so affectionate.

Darren's POV

Chris was bustling with questions as we get into the car eventhough he was driving.

"Darren tell me every shit she told you," Chris ended the commotion.

"Okay, just don't tell her or even hint her," I breathed in, "She used to have a boyfriend a year ago or so and he, Lucas, cheated on her and he got some facial expressions like me, so, whenever she saw me or be around me, she felt so miserable and she suddenly miss that manwhore who wasted her."

"Wow, that escalated quickly," Chris stopped the car suddenly.

"Why are you stopping," I asked.

"I'm such a dick of a brother," Chris looked away, "I've always tried being nice to her but this is what I got. She doesn't trust me enough."

"It's not that, Chris. I remind her of Lucas, which is a bad thing, and I wanna make her get over him. I'm trying," I explained.

"I know you're still hiding something about her," Chris began driving again.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"I know she's crushing on you, she's just exaggerating on Lucas so she can get closer to you and eventually get you inside her freaking pants," Chris shouted angrily, "You just don't get how much shit she created all these years. She's a freaking hypocrite."

"I don't understand," I frowned.

"Of course you don't. You just met her about a month ago," Chris stopped the car outside the shooting place.

I remained quiet and Chris got out of the car abruptly. I followed him, still very confused.

"What about you being nice to her and she doesn't trust you," I asked.

"No, I've given up being nice to her centuries ago. She's a whore, Darren. I've been trying to convince my parents but they love her to bits. I can't do anything, Darren. THEY PREFER HER OVER ME EVER SINCE THEY FOUND OUT I WAS GAY AND it's like, they don't care what kind of person she is, she will always be better than me, just because I'm a faggot," Chris began crying.

I stared at Chris and pulled him into a hug. I kissed his forehead to calm him down. I didn't realize all this. How can I be so stupid? Just because a girl like Jade looks so innocent, doesn't mean she can't be a whore. I've been so wrong about all this. I thought nothing can be as complicated as this.

"Chris, I'm really sorry," I apologized.

"It's fine. You didn't know about our history. Now you know our deepest secret," Chris said through his tears.

"I promise I'll try to make everything better. For you. I will show everyone that nothing can stop us. It's a vow, Chris, I promise with all my heart," I held his hand.

"I love you so much, Darren, you're the most perfect boyfriend anyone can ever had," Chris smiled at me as a single tear rolled down his cheeks.

"I love you even more," I smiled as I wiped away his tears.

No one can bear looking at a flawless angel like him cry tears from heaven.

A/N: Is it good enough? :( I did my very best in this chapter. Please rate and comment! Tell me the flaws I made okay! I will try and improve it xx Love ya!

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