Chapter 7: Homey Feelings

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Darren's POV

Chris looked so drained out after our evening meal at Taco Bell. I offered to drive to his house and he gave in. We settled down into his car and I began to start the engine.

Chris directed me to his house and in 20 minutes, we reached his house. It's a block of apartments and it looked so mesmerizing by the outside.

"My apartment's on the 21st level," Chris explained.

My mouth hung open.

"I-I know it doesn't look like there's over 15 floors but trust me, it's mindblowing," Chris chuckled, "And Katy Perry lives here too. But she's not always here."

I nearly squealed like a little girl. Katy Perry. The famous pop-star. Breathes the same air as me.

Chris smirked at me and grabbed my hand. We walked hand-in-hand into the building. I stopped outside of the building, letting go of the hold.

"Won't they-"

"They won't. They're the people you can trust. And when two people loves each other," Chris smiled proudly and held my hand even tighter, "Nothing can stop them."

My heart skipped a beat and I squeezed his hand. Chris is my second love and he's already making me tingly all inside. We walked passed thousands of people whom bowed low to Chris and I, as if we were their kings. When we reached Chris' apartment, I breathed in deeply and was comforted by the coldness of the surrounding.

"This place is gorgeous."

"I know, you're so me when I first stepped into this place," Chris laughed.

I threw my bag to one corner and sat on the sofa. Chris turned on the television and Glee had already started. In the middle of the show, Chris went to the small kitchen to take a drink. I began to feel tired and yawned. When I looked in front, I saw Chris placing the drinks on the table in front of us.

"Are you worn out, baby?" his gentle voice rang out.

"Yeah, sort of," I closed my eyes.

"Come here," Chris directed me.

He pulled me closer to him and let me rest on his shoulder. He played with my curls and rubbed my thighs. Soon enough, I felt a light kiss on my forehead and I fell into a deep sleep.

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