Chapter 8: Weekend

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Chris' POV

It's weekend and my parents are coming to my apartment. I half-heartedly agreed on it but deep down in my heart, I'm not ready to introduce Darren to my parents. What if they hate him...

"Good morning, sweetcheeks!" Darren's voice whispered as he laid by me.

It was a fortune I bought an ultra-large sofabed.

"Hey," I smiled as I sat up.

I went into the kitchen and prepared grilled sandwiches for the both of us. Soon after, I felt someone hugging me from behind.

"You okay? You don't seem okay," Darren hugged me tighter.

"My parents are coming over," I whispered, "And they don't really accept me being gay. I'm just worried they don't accept you."

Darren's hug loosened a little. I spun around and met his dark, hazel eyes with long eyelashes. His pure charming lips makes me wanna just pin him down and play with him. His curls are breath-taking. There isn't any flaws exposed. Not even a tiny bit.

"When two people loves each other," Darren repeated what I said last night, with his eyes glistening, "Nothing can stop us."

I looked away, shy and blushing, not daring to look straight into his eyes. He's making me shy. Like a little girl. I giggled a little and nodded my head. I understood what he means. What I really meant.

"Plus, we have the one rare gift no one can ever get. Not even your parents," Darren whispered sexily.

"Gift? I didn't remember buying any gifts?" I asked, wrinkling my nose.

"You can't buy," Darren pulled me closer and pressed his lips onto mine, "This."

We lip-locked for a few blissful seconds before I broke it. I smiled and pulled him even closer, no gap was seen between us. I looked up and smacked my lips onto his lips till his head fall back. It was a sweet, joyful kiss that only the both of us can get. I sucked his neck with full of lust till a large hickey was formed.

"Damn, I just made a hickey on your neck," I groaned, "And even surprising it's exactly the shape of a heart."

"That means," Darren tapped my shoulder, "We're destined to be together, Chris."

Darren's POV

It was perfect. The first, long kiss I had with a guy whom I love. My boyfriend. He's the most perfect thing in the universe. I'm glad I stayed up late till 5 a.m. just for this. I found a career, and also my one true love.

After having breakfast, Chris decided that he will show me around this place and shop together for the very first time. His parents won't be here until late afternoon so we can spend all the time we have together. Just the two of us.

"Darren! Should I wear simple or what?" Chris' voice rang out from his room, "And don't barge in!"

I laughed to myself, "Just a tee will do, baby!"

"Are you sure?" Chris screamed.

"Yeah, yeah, you're perfect anyways!" I screamed back.

"Ugh, I got fat, Darren, I can't fit on this jeans," Chris shouted again.

It took nearly 2 hours before we finally managed to get ready. Oh Chris.

"Daamn, Darren, your hair is one of the wonders in the world," Chris looked dreamily at my hair as soon as he got out of his room.

"Yeah, yeah, your sarcasm is not needed. Put it away," I rolled my eyes.

"What! I'm serious!" Chris punched me in the arms as he opened the door.

< 7 hours later >

Chris' POV

"I'm so friggin tired, ugh!" Darren groaned.

"You need to run, I told you. We'll run together sometime," I jumped up and down, excited of the thought.

Darren panted even faster, and was shocked to see me completely hyper after the long walk.

Suddenly, there was a doorbell ringing. Mom. Dad. Sister.

"I'M NOT READY!" I screamed, walking back and forth, "Kill me, ugh, I'M NOT READY YET."

"Fine, we're both not ready, we'll just play safe. Tell your parents we're just friends and I moved into yours because I haven't found an apartment. Okay?" Darren smiled encouragingly.

I thought for a while. I nodded my head and hugged Darren. I let go of him and rushed to open the door.

"Chris! My stupid, idiotic, ignorant yet perfect brother!" my younger sister rushed towards me and hugged me tightly, "Gosh, Chris, you smell different, you look different, and 5 years ago when I hugged you, you were all fats and now you're so... metallish!"

"Shhhh, don't talk about the past," I whispered, embarassed.

My little sister, Jade, is 3 years younger than me. 18.

"Our boy is growing fast, Tim. We can see the different and I don't think this is him," my mom jokes.

"Ohh, c'mon he still have our faces, honey!" my dad ran up to me and gave me a daddy-hug.

After awkward seconds of hugging, I broke apart, realizing that Darren was looking all the time.

"Oh, mom, dad, if you hadn't realize, this is Darren," I pointed to Darren.

Darren smiled awkwardly at them.

"Chris, is he your boyfriend," my dad sneered a little, "or something?"

My palm began sweating profusely, "Oh no, no, he's just here because he hadn't got an apartment. It's, temporary."

Darren's face fell slightly. My dad began smiling and shook hands with Darren. Darren forced a wide smile that doesn't look genuine at all.

"Nice to meet you, Mr Colfer," Darren said.

"You too, Darren."

My mom broke the awkward silent that began to get louder in the room. She carried her stuffs and began going to the extra room.

"Honey, I wanna shop here in Hollywood. I'll pack our things and we'll get ready," my mom explained.

"Mom, I'm not coming. Sorry. I'm tired," Jade said, smiling.

"Jade, there's huge collection of barbie dolls in a shopping mall nearby. You should take a look!" I desperately tried to find a reason.

"Nah, I don't like barbie anymore. You missed a lot, Chris," Jade said.

"Please, I mean, there's cupcakes too! You can buy them it's yummy and healthy!" I raised my voice.

"Why are you so desperate to get me to follow them!?" Jade shouted at my face.

"Because you HAVE to! This is my house I can do whatever I want! Now go!" I yelled back.

"Oh I see," Jade began smirking, then looked at Darren, then looked at me again," I understand this really complicated situation, dear brother. I'll follow mom then.."

What the hell is she thinking?

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