Chapter 4: The Kiss

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Chris' POV

It's 10 minutes exactly to shooting time and Darren is still snoring away. I budged him slowly and he murmured. I budged him again and he said it out a little bit clearer now.

"Kiss me."

I slapped Darren's cheeks slightly and his eyes opened wide. He looked up at me and closed his eyes again.

"Go away, Mia," he groaned.

"Darren, it's Chris. Not Mia," I sighed.

Darren finally sat straight up and looked at me again.

"Woah, sorry, I thought you were Mia. She used to wake me up the same way as you did," Darren chuckled.

I forced a chuckle and pretended to be alright. As soon as Darren stood up, I shoved the Dalton blazer to him and told him he only got 5 minutes to change.

"Does it fit? Chris, what if it doesn't!?" Darren shouted, "Uh, I really need Mia right now."

"You're as tiny as shit, you can fit anything," I snarled without looking behind.

"Chris, did you just said shit?" Darren asked.

By the time, I was already outside his room. I kicked the wall as hard as I could to vent my anger. Why the hell must he always talk about his girlfriend who didn't even care about him for 6 whole goddamn month? I mean, hello, I'm here, and nobody in this whole fricken room cares!

I brisk walked to the first floor to get ready to shoot. Damn, I can't act when I'm angry at Darren. Why must I be fuming mad at the wrong person at the wrong timing?

Darren's POV

That's weird. He just walked out the room. And he kinda swore. He told me he never did that unless he's fuming. He can't be fuming for no reason. I quickly slipped into my blazers and looked at my watch. 3:50. There's still 10 minutes before shooting starts. I rushed downstairs and saw Chris talking to Ryan.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked softly.

"Hey, Darren, you look dashing in that blazer," Ryan complimented.

Chris gave me a glance and smiled. But it wasn't the smile he always wore.

"Yah, thanks, Ryan," I whispered.

I stood by Chris and observed everything and everyone carefully. So, this is the life. Life of a pop star. As soon as I gets into TV, I'll have over 1 million followers on twitter. And fans too. I couldn't wait for everything.

Suddenly, I felt Chris grabbing my arms and shrieking slightly. I held him and asked what was wrong.

"N-Nothing, I j-just saw a bug walking right past me in front and I f-freaked out," he looked around frantically, still clinging onto me, "Where's the bug!?"

"It probably ran away. It's okay, there's nothing here," I said calmly.

So, I found out one of Chris' weakness. Bugs. I chuckled softly.

"What's so funny?" Chris asked as he pushed me away.

"N-Nothing, nothing at all," I smirked.

"Stop pretending you did nothing wrong okay!" Chris shouted loudly at me.

He looked around and saw people eyeing him sharply. Chris grabbed my arms and brought me behind the scene place. He began ranting on me about how I kept talking about Mia in front of him eventhough she broke my heart for 6 months straight.

When he stopped talking, I laughed to myself. He looked red, but his face still lights up as bright as the sun.

"And why the hell are you laughing!? You have been so annoying these while and I'm keeping it to myself and-"

Couldn't stand it longer, I stopped laughing and broke into a pedo-ish yet suspicious smile.

"What!" Chris shouted.

I remained smiling that way.

"Ugh, I'm out of here. Besides there's only 5 minutes left," Chris facepalmed himself and began to leave.

I grabbed his arms and spun him around. He looked utterly shocked.

"You're jealous of Mia," I asked, with that smile, "Aren't you."

Chris stuttered but couldn't find anything to say.

"Aren't you?" I stopped smiling and pretended to be angry.

Chris frowned deeply and boomed, "You don't have to know about my life, Darren."

I placed a finger on his lips and pulled him closer. I tiptoed slightly and lean in closer to him. I pressed my lips on his and pasted a soft kiss on it. I pulled away and smiled at him.

Chris' POV

It was just 5 hours ago when we first met. 5. Hours. Ago. And now, he's kissing me. Like we already met each other a million years ago. Am I living in fantasy? It's like I get whatever I want less than a day. And was that kiss genuine? Or was that a joke? I gathered all my courage to ask him.

"Darren," I looked down, "Was all that real. Or was it just to make me shut up."

"It's as real as the fact that you're gay and I've officially broken up with Mia Swier."

I smiled at him as I held his hand and squeeze it.

"Thanks, Darren. Thanks for making all this happening."

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