Chapter 10: Jade's Past Relationship

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1 month later

Darren's POV

It's been a month since I first met my true love, Chris. I spent so much times with his family and decided that I want to spend the rest of my life with him. Just him. His family cared for me well and I feel comfortable being with them. Well, not really all of them.

I became even closer to Jade and we don't mind anything rude we did to each other. But nowadays, there seem like something about Jade that is freaking me out...

Jade's POV

I was doing my stupid Maths homework as I scribbled drawings on my paper. Stupid life being 18. My birthday is in 3 days and I'm living life like this. Stuck in my room doing Maths. I threw my calculator on the wall till it made a loud crashing sound. Seconds later, Darren appeared through the door.

"What the hell was that?" he asked.

"Get out! It's nothing gotta do with you!" I screamed furiously.

"Chill, bitch, I'm just trying to help. Now, what's up?"

"I'm so fucking fed up with this algebra shit till I can cry whole week," I complaint, tears started rolling down my eyes.

"There, there, you should've asked me for help. I scored straight As during my senior year in college," Darren smiled.

"Seriously?" I asked softly.

"No," Darren laughed and wiped the tear away,"But I still can help ya."

I smiled a little at his charismatic self. I brought him over to the table and he began teaching me step by step. Most of the time, I was just staring at his flawless face. He continued blabbering on without realizing. I've been having a crush on him but I'm trying to get over that shit. I can't possibly love my brother's boyfriend, right?

"Gosh, Chris is so lucky to have you, Darry," I said out flirtatiously without knowing.

"Did you just say that?" Darren asked, all creeped out.

Realizing what the hell had I said out, I slap myself and shook my head vigorously.

"I heard what you said."


"I know you well enough, Jade, don't lie to me," Darren asked, wide-eyed.

Hazel eyes.

I began blushing as he stroked my hand.

"Darren, will you promise not to tell anyone, especially Chris?" I said without looking at him.

"Yeah, I guess."

"I think I'm crushing on this boy with a good heart," I admitted.

"Ugh, is it me?" Darren sighed.

I nodded slowly. Afraid of his reaction, I changed the subject.

"Wait, let's just go back to homework. It's getting late," I bit my lips.

Darren smiled a little and agreed.

Darren's POV

That was very very awkward. My boyfriend's little sister is crushing on me. Wow. Plain wow. I continued teaching her but stopped to grab a glass of water. Chris and his parents went out to shop and I'm alone with this creepy person. Well, she is creepy but I have to admit that she's really pretty and cute. I haven't told anyone but when I first saw her, I've got a slight erection.

"I wanna drink. Wait here," I said and went to the kitchen.

Whilst I was drinking, I felt someone behind me. Sensing it was Jade, I spun around to see her right in front of me, my shoulder-length.

"Dare, I can't take it anymore. I want you so so bad. Please do it for once, there's no one else at home," Jade begged as she grabbed my hand.

I shook my head, "Jade. You don't know what you're doing."

"I know what I want! And I want you, Darren. Please, just for once. I really really want you," Jade began crying.

Seeing her cry made myself weak. I hugged her in a brother-ly way and stroked her hair.

"Jade, I know you're stressed out about school and stuff. There's still someone even better than me out there waiting for you. You're perfect to everyone, Jade. You don't have to worry about being lonely."

"Darren, it's just that, you remind me of my ex-boyfriend, Lucas. Don't tell Chris or my parents but, I have a boyfriend once. He was the nicest guy on Earth, he's got nice curls and toned body. And those hazel eyes you've got there. You do remind me of him in lots of ways. I really missed him and when I saw you, I really liked you," Jade explained.

"It's fine, Jade, I'm still here for you, no matter how much you hurt me," I comforted her.

"Darren, thanks for being here for me. I just want you and Chris to be together forever. Don't cheat on him ever," Jade looked away, "like how Lucas did to me."

Jade walked away towards her room, living me shocked at how much she went through in her relationship. That guy really made a big impact on herself.

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