Chapter 9: Siblings Secrets

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Jade's POV

I need to plan fast. Chris is shoo-ing me away. I hadn't told my parents that I'm following. They had already went downstairs. I decided to do a quick action.

"Fine, I'll go now."

I secretly swooped a bunch of key from the door table and exited the apartment. Waiting for nearly 10 minutes outside the aparment, I secretly eavesdrop them but heard nothing. I sigh.

10 minutes had past and I looked at the gap under the door. No one in the living room. Great.

I silently unlocked the door and entered. I walked normally into the apartment when I spot Chris and his friend in the kitchen, forehead-to-forehead, staring into each others' eyes. I knew it! Chris is just afraid mom and dad will be disappointed! Realizing that I am standing in the open where they could see me, I immediately crouched and duck-walked into my parents' room.

I slowly closed the door and sat on the bed. I punched a fist in the air, happy for my brother that finally found true love. And also, I can sharpen my troublemaker skills. I chuckled softly to myself. I looked under my bedroom door gap and saw two shadows walking towards the living room sofa. Then, I heard TV sounds. I slowly opened the door and tiptoed out. I hid behind the curtain right beside my parents' bedroom.

"Darren, will you stay with me forever and ever?" I heard Chris asked.

"Yes, sweetheart," Darren pulled Chris into a long, romantic kiss.

I cried softly, sensing the loveydoveys. I took out my phone and captured the moment. I took about 2 videos and 10 pictures. That's how much I love my brother. When I captured everything, I walked out of my hiding place and surprised the two of them. Chris pulled away from the kiss and stood up instantly.

"Jade, why the f*** are you here, you idiotic piece of shit!?" Chris boomed.

Chris scooped me up and throw me to my parents' bed. He pinned me down and tickled me till I peed on my pants.

"You stay here!" Chris shouted and locked the door.

I ran up to the door and hit it as hard as I could but to no avail. I ran from the opposite corner of the room and to the door. till my arm hurts.

"Chris! Please, open this door!" I begged.

"Not until mom and dad come! You deserve this!" Chris yelled.

"No! I don't! If you don't open this right now, I-I," I stammered for a while, "I'll send your romantic moment with Darry to mom and dad! I've got your photos!"

Chris' POV

I was dumbfounded. Jade took our pictures. I immediately opened the door and let her out. She ended up laughing at the sofa as her eyes disappeared.

"You are so funny, Chris!" she giggled.

"Look here, Jade, you have to keep this a secret," Darren said, looking serious.

"Who are you? Oh, you're my brother's BOYFRIEND!" Jade broke into a fits of laughter again.

I grew fuming mad. I secretly took her phone and once again, pin her down. This time round, I grab her and lock her into the bathroom.

"Chris! I can send mom-"

"You won't! Your phone's with me!" I chuckled.

There was silence for a second.


"Fine, promise me again you'll keep this a secret," I smirked.

"I promise with all my heart!"

I let her out and she went running around the living room. Lucky there's a bee in there.

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