Chapter 2: Small Big Chats

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Darren's POV

"Chris! Darren! Get ready for your very first scene together! Get whatever scripts you need and get into the car. No more questions," Ryan's voice rang out.

"W-What script? Huh?" I asked, wondering.

"It's alright, I have the script. We can share it," Chris' bright voice chirped.

I turned around and smiled at him. Then, we headed into the car.

Whilst in the car, Chris kept looking out the window without looking anywhere else. At some point, he pretended to be checking out his seatbelt and I caught him trying to take a peek at me. Then, he looked away again.

"Hey, why so silent, boys? Have a small chat and get to know each other. Both of you have to feel really comfortable with each other, y'know," Ryan said.

"Um, yah, I told Darren about it. No sweat, Ryan," Chris smiled, eyeing me.

"So, where are we heading exactly?" I plucked up the courage to speak up.

"Dalton Academy. It's the place Kurt and Blaine first met," Chris explained, "Then, you're gonna do stuff like singing and pulling me into some place."

Sensing my nervousness, Chris chuckled.

"It's fine, Darren, Ryan will give us 4 hours of rehearsing period later. You'll kill it and besides, it's only about a 6 minute scene."

I heaved a sigh of relief. I felt a soft tap and I saw Chris rubbing my shoulder in a brotherly way. I stared straight down and Chris let go of his hand.

"Is it bothering you? I'm so sorry, Darren," Chris apologized, sitting up straight.

"No, it's not bothering me at all. It's just that," I frowned, "I forgotten to call my girlfriend that I've left for Hollywood."

I saw a slight disappointed reaction from Chris' emotion.

I switched on my phone and saw a text message. It's from Mia, my girlfriend. I opened the text and slowly read it. I felt Chris' breath right beside me as he whispered.

"Can I read it with you?" he asked.

"Um, yeah, I guess," I saw the first line of Mia's text and got butterflies in my stomach, "Er, Chris, can you read it for me?"

Chris' POV

"What's wrong, Darren?" I asked, wondering.

"I'm sensing it's a negative text. I'm afraid. Mia and I hadn't been visiting each other for over 6 months and I'm not sure what are we even," he cried slightly.

There was a tear rolling and he pretended that it wasn't there. He wipe it away and handed his phone to me.

"If you're not feeling fine, I'm not gonna read it," I put his phone into his palm, "I'll only read it after you feel better."

"Chris," he whimpered, "why are you caring so much for me? I-It's like, we only met about 2 hours ago."

Those words struck my heart and got me wondering even more.

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