/ 1:15 AM - Bristle's Dorm Room /

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Holy shit this story is so old!!! It is my goal to finish this, because I never did last year. I doubt anyone reads this anymore but whoever does, thanks for sticking around!! It's been a long ass year. I don't even like this story that much now, but I want to finish it because I felt so strongly for it before. Enjoy!

"By the way, Merry Christmas," James and I were laying on the ground of my room, just talking. We quit playing truth or dare for a while now, and just conversed with whatever came to mind. I smiled, my breath minty from the candy canes we were eating.

"Merry Christmas to you too, it's been a great party," I teased, punching his hand. He grabbed it though, and held it. I wanted to let go, but then I realized that no, I indeed didn't. So I held his hand, the mess of our tangles fingers lying between us.

"This is so sappy, like out of a romance or something, but it feels like I've known you forever, Bristle. I feel like I should've met you way sooner," his voice was smooth, and he turned his head to look at me. His eyes pierced me.

I nodded, tightening our grip. "It's my fault, I shouldn't have judged you. I've always noticed you, though. You were always there."

James cleared his throat, biting his lip. "Honestly, me too, but it's more in a way of like- you know- never mind," he let go of my hand and went to get up. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Where are you going?" I got up after him. He was taking off Zack's jumper. He was pouring out his hot chocolate. He was avoiding my eyes.

"James," I grabbed his wrist gently. He didn't look at me. He shook his head.

"Are you leaving?" I shouldn't have sounded so upset. It sounded like a child who was hurt because Santa forgot their favorite toy. I did sound upset though. I was.

James looked at me, but it was almost as if he looked past me.

"This night is so unrealistic. You don't know me. You don't want to. I don't know you. What are the chances of us talking ever again? Honestly? You're completely different from me, and I'm too caught up in other shit for this and-"

"What the fuck are you talking about? Of course we'll be friends Ja-"

He turned to me fully, shaking his head at me. "That's not how this works, you'll go back to forgetting about me and I'll go back to longing for you to notice me."

I frowned even more. "What are you talking about? I like getting to know you. This Christmas could've sucked way worse, but you made it half decent."

James laughed. "No, because once school gets back in you'll become too busy, everyone has became too busy for me! My parents, my friends! I'm not letting you forget about me too."

I found myself wrapping my arms around myself. "You really think I'd forget about you?"

James laughed even more. "Of course you would! You have like three friends, you seem like the type to push people out. I don't want to fall to victim of that."

I felt a sharp pain hit me in the stomach. I felt like someone just ran me over with Santa's sleigh.

"But I don't want to push you out, I want to get to know you better, I want us to be friends. I notice you, you can't make me un-notice you," I whispered, looking at the cheap tile floor.

"Have a merry Christmas, Bristle," and he was out the door.

I looked at the door, and I simply sighed.

I grabbed a pillow and some blankets, following after him.

He wasn't getting away that easy. Not on Christmas.

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