/ December 25th, 2016 - Bristle's Home /

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I felt nervous as I parked in the driveway of my home. It had been six months since I've seen my family, but this is the first Christmas I've spent with them since last year. This time too, I am not coming alone. 

"Is it hot in here, or is it just me?" James asked, tugging the collar of his sweater. I nodded, feeling more nervous than a last minute Christmas shopper. My family hadn't met James, and Christmas will be the first time. 

"Well, let's get this show on the road, Bristle Hefner," He grabbed my hand and squeezed it in reassurance, but I felt like that was more for himself than me. I grinned at him and popped open my door, heading to the trunk with all of my gifts nestled inside. As I was trying to gather all of them in one trip, I heard a familiar voice behind me.

"Here, let me help."

 I whirled around to see my younger brother, Xander. He was a sophomore in high school, but he still towered over me. His dark brown hair had grown since I was gone, and his curls were messy. His blue eyes popped out against his fair skin and boy, I was so happy to see him. 

"Little brother!" I wrapped my arms around him tightly into a bear hug, which he returned tenfold. I peeked over his shoulder and saw a mousy girl with even bigger curls behind him. 

"And who is this, Xander?" I questioned, with a knowing smile. 

"This is Leah, my girlfriend." Leah smiled, waving a bit. It was then James joined us. 

"And who is this, Bristle?" Xander asked, mocking me. I blushed cherry red. 

"This is James, my boyfriend. James smiled, waving a bit. 

We all stood in the cold, and it was James who broke the silence.

"I'll start grabbing the gifts."


After unwrapping gifts, my mother started preparing dinner. More family started packing the house, and James fit in perfectly. I watched him from across the room. Champagne in his hand and his recently sandy blonde hair in a bun, he looked happy. He laughed with everyone he met and definitely became a vocal point of the get together.  Everyone treated him like family and I knew he enjoyed feeling like a part of something. 

He caught my eye from across the room and stuck his tongue out, starting his way over. I smoothed out the wrinkles in my dress and adjusted my scarf. He bit his lip as he got closer. 

"I've been meaning to say this all night, but you look gorgeous."

I felt my cheeks redden like they did almost a year ago, and I laughed. 

"Thank you, you look great too. You look happy. Really, I am so glad."

He smiled at me in a boyish way. 

"I am glad too. Where's you room? I wanna see it."

I grabbed his hand and led him upstairs and into the first room on the right. He turned on the light and whistled in aw. My room was scattered in artwork. It was like a gateway to the angst times of my life. It was a whole different me.

He shut the door behind him and sat on the bed, and he tapped the spot next to him. I sat down with him and he fiddled with his pocket.

"Close your eyes!" He sounded excited. I let them fall shut.

"Okay, now, open," The flew open to find a mistletoe above us. I blushed yet again and he smirked. 

"Bristle, there's some mistletoe above us, you do know what that means, right-"

I rolled my eyes playfully and kissed him. He lips didn't move for a split second, but then he quickly kissed back, smiling in his kiss as he always does. 

When he let go, he seemed breathless as he said those three words.

"I love you."

I looked behind him and saw snow fall behind him. Snow, in Virginia. It truly was a magical Christmas, and I truly did love him. 

I kissed him hard on the mouth.

"I love you too."

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