/ 1:30 A.M. - Outside James's Door /

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My head felt heavy and my eyes were starting to fall as I knocked on the door softly. James still hadn't given in to my relentless attempts at trying to get him to open the door. In fact, it was darker than night under the crack of the door. I was almost convinced he went to bed. 

But I know he didn't. I could hear his shuffling on the other side of the door, as if he was leaning against it. A part of me felt like he wanted to give in and spend Christmas with me, but a bigger part of him was stubborn and arrogant; Just like the Grinch. 

I felt fed up with his actions. I didn't know why he did that me. I was staring to figure out James, the real James, and we were starting to be friends. It was like Christmas was the only thing letting him let me in, and that made me feel rather blue. 

"James, please open up," I was so exhausted, but I didn't want to go back to my room. I wanted to hug James, I wanted to understand. The tiredness got the better of me though, and I felt my eyes overpowering my own will to keep them open. Right before I was out cold, I heard him speak.

"But why? You're just going to abandon me too."

I was seeing the Northern Lights in my eyes as I opened them, and I sighed heavily. 

"James, I barely know you. Why would I abandon you if I don't have a reason to?" It sounded rude, but it was the truth. James gave me no reason to abandon him. James in fact, as I said, made me want to know more about him. 

He sounded anxious and reluctant as he said this, "My parents never did either, but they were still always too busy for me." 

It all made sense now, why he was so willing to take me to see my family, why he didn't want me to spend Christmas alone when he couldn't. He felt the pain of being alone, he knew how bad it felt. 

"James, I want  to spend Christmas with you. I am not too busy for you, I have three friends!" I was annoyed at this point. He lacked the Christmas spirit and it made my heart go cold. 

It was silent for a long time, and in that time, I felt my eyes give in once again. It only felt like minutes though, before I was woken to being in James's arms. He gently guided my head to his chest. He walked slowly into his room, as if he was trying not to break me. He laid me down on his bed with such ease, and laid down next to me. I was wide awake now, goosebumps on my arms. The last time I was in bed with another guy, was which my ex boyfriend. 

"I am scared, and I know all of this is sudden," he said, his words rushed and nervous. "My parents were never around, and it lead me to be a very loud and obnoxious person. That is a front, I'm scared to let anyone in. I have never been committed to any girl, I have only ever had one best friend and ever since college, we have rarely spoken," he took a deep breath. "And I see you, Bristle, I know that we are the same in some ways. You are closed off too, but you are so nice, and so quiet. You know how to be kind to everyone without even letting them in. You can talk to people and forget they ever exist. That scares me because Bristle, you don't understand. I have always noticed you. And I have always had this crush on you. You are an enigma. I have always wanted you, wanted this, but I know that every word you speak to people is written in pencil and it will in fact get erased. At least know this, Bristle, I like you, and I know it won't matter in the morning, but I do like you." 

My mouth felt dryer than cotton. The Northern Stars were back, but for a different reason. My heart was racing faster than reindeer guiding the sleigh. I had never thought anyone like James would like me, or notice me. I felt happy and scared all at the same time. 

"James, thank you," I whispered, scooting closer towards him, turning to him. He was in his side, looking at me. 

"Why?" he raised an eyebrow. 

"Because, that was the most heartfelt thing anyone has ever said to me. I do not feel like that girl in my drawing anymore. I feel like Bristle Hefner. 

He smiled and his freckles practically glowed like Christmas light. I smiled back, and then did something that caught us both off guard.

I kissed James Wright, and it then hit me that this kiss was wonderful, and this Christmas would forever be my favorite because of James Wright. 

He smiled in this kiss, and let go quickly, his cheeks going red. I giggled sheepishly, turning away, but he pulled me closer and kissed me again. When he let go, he grinned a toothy grin.

"Merry Christmas to me."

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