/ 12:02 A.M. - College Courtyard /

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"Okay, so what now?" James had his arms wrapped around himself, standing next to me in the snow. I stood next to him, bundled up. We had climbed out of my room window and sneaked to the courtyard. Not like anyone would've stopped us, but it was just the rush of the night. We were the only two who stayed on campus. Why? Probably because we're the only ones crazy enough to stick through the negative degree weather.

I thought as he said that, putting my finger tips to my lips. He looked so cold, I almost felt bad, but a sliver of me thought he was also quite hot- if you know what I mean- so I let it go. An idea came to my head and my face lit up so bright I could've been a Christmas light. "Oh! Make a snow-angel!" I cried childishly, jumping up and down a little. The whole idea of him freezing his ass off made me slightly giddy.

James looked at me with a blank expression. "Bristle Hefner, you are an absolute asshole. It's kind of cute," and with that, he was lying on his back. He cringed, as if it pained him. Thinking about it, it probably did. It was currently negative-three degrees. Oh my snowflakes, I was letting someone freeze to death, what form of satan was I?

I looked over at him and rushed to help him up. "James, wait-" but before I could finish, I had slipped on the snow, causing me to fall forward, and on something bony.

Upon further inspection, that bony thing was James, and upon further further inspection, this was as cliche as kissing under mistletoe, and upon further further further inspection, James and I were really close, and I was blushing.

James just stared at me, and that was when I noticed the little things about him. His acne scars, how his nose was slightly crooked, his chapped lips that I just wanted on mine and-

"Are you comfortable?" James asked, breathless, whether it was because of our close proximity or because his back was probably frost bitten, I don't know.

"Yes- I mean no- I mean no," I rushed out, getting up. I held out my hand, and he gladly took it. He didn't let go as we walked back to my window and I about had a heart-attack. He helped me in and then hoisted himself in, and by then I already had coffee in the pot and an old jumper of Zach's.

He looked at it weirdly. "Why do you have this?" He asked, holding it away from it as if it was going to kill him.

I shrugged. "It was an old friends, I knew it would fit you."

"An old friend, or an old memory?"

"Either," I said as I poured his cup and sat on my bed. He plopped down next to me and blew on it softly.

"Truth or dare?" He asked, setting his coffee on my night stand and reluctantly pulling Zach's jumper over his head.

"Truth?" I asked hesitantly, scared he would strangle me for making him do something stupid and then choosing truth.

James looked at me with this evil glint in his eyes and I automatically wished I would've done a dare. Stupid Bristle. Stupid Stupid Stupid.

"Who is that guy on your door?"

I exhaled in relief, thinking he would ask about the drawing again. I smiled and got up to get the picture. Ripping it off my door gently, I sat back down next to James.

Him and I took a minute to look at the picture. It was our last football game as seniors, and just my luck, Zach was the quarterback. He had a sweaty arm around me and his face stripes were smeared. I had my lips on his cheek, I was wearing an old jersey of his. His eyes were lit up and I was glowing, I was practically reliving the moment as I looked at that picture.

I waited for him by the gate, all the sophomores and juniors were rushing out, but the seniors were in a huddle on the field. We had won 57-0, and this was there last game. They were basking in all the glory on an undefeated season, going to playoffs.

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