/ 7:56 P.M. - Dorm Rooms /

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I usually don't do author's notes on my chapters but I was having some issues with random drafts showing up, so I have to re-post my first two chapters, sorry for the inconvenience.


Twas' the night before Christmas, and all through the house-

Wait wait wait, that doesn't sound right, let me restart. . .

Twas' the evening before Christmas, and all through the dorms, every hormonal creature was stirring, one screaming for a blouse. You'd seriously think people would have some manners to quietly scream for their beloved blouse while others are trying to cram pack to see their families (Example: me.).

Before we go on any longer, I think I should at least introduce myself. I am Bristle Hefner, kind of like Bristol Palin, but you know, not her. No, I'm Birstle Hefner, boring, quiet, and kind of average Bristle Hefner.

As I was saying, it was the evening before Christmas, and I was packing to see my parents and little brother. I hadn't seen them since I started going to college a little over a year ago, so I was all but stoked to finally go back home and be myself. I was taking a greyhound bus from Wisconsin all the way down to Virginia, hoping just to get there as early as I can. Far shot, but Bristle Hefner is hopeful, and hopeful I must be.

"Come on! Give me my blouse back," the same voice whined, but from closer hearing, I noticed it was my roommate. I listened more.

"Nah, I'm good. You look way better with it off anyways," a more masculine voice shot back, and I swear, I heard a wink in there. You could feel it. It was way too cliche.

"James Wright!" My roommate continued to whine, but she giggled, smacking her gum. I gagged.

My roommate, whose name is a destroyed ocean ecosystem, is the absolute worst. Coral White is obnoxious, loud, and very, very beautiful. With her light red hair in soft curls and bright blue eyes, she was so beautiful. It was envious in all honesty, who wouldn't want to be her? She could have any guy she wanted.

"I'm just saying, I wouldn't mind if for Christmas you just went topless for me," you could practically hear another wink.

"Come on, just give it back, I have to get leaving to see some friends. That blizzard is supposed to be barrelling through tonight," she continued to whine, and smack her gum. They were both overusing actions, don't you think?

I heard a sigh. "Alright," was all James said, giving her the blouse. I then whirl around to my suitcase as she rushes in. I acted like nothing happened, and she didn't talk to me. I hear her zip a suitcase and slam the door, not even bothering to say so much as a goodbye. I sighed as I called the greyhound bus service, exiting the dorm and putting the suitcase against the wall.

"Hello, our service is unavailable due to the blizzard, please call again later."

I let my eyes close as I heard those words. I groaned, and kicked the suitcase with all my might, and it only barely tipped, making a loud thud that echoed through the now silent halls.

"Rough evening?" I jumped at the sound of Jame's voice, not knowing he was still out here.

I never really knew James. We went to the same college, had some classes together, but that was it. I never really talked to anyone, not counting a few friends. I wasn't known to make friends. No one approached me, I didn't approach them. James, on the other hand, hung around very select people, he scrutinized everyone, it made you scared to try to even talk to him.

"Uh, yeah, I guess you could say that," my voice was quiet, and I silently thanked God for the curtain of brown hair covering the angle of my face he could see.

"Why?" James scuffed his combat boots on the carpet, looking at them.

I thought about telling him, what the hell? What do I even have to lose? "I can't go see my family for Christmas," I whispered, feeling my eyes well with tears slightly. It was petty to cry over something so small, but I didn't care. I missed them so much.

James must've sensed my sadness, because he looked through faded pink hair. "I, um," he fumbled with his words. It was funny, he was so confident just minutes ago. "I can drive you there, if you like," He looked up, pushing his hair out of his eyes.

I looked up at him, smiling. I felt my lips crack from the cold. "Please," was all I could utter out. James gave me a small smile in return and lugged some keys out of his pocket. "Let me go start the car, it has to be at least fourteen below," he stalked off outside, his tall and lanky stance getting farther out of sight.

I was curious as to why he wanted to do this. This was the first time we have ever talked, and he's all of a sudden offering to drive me across the country? I wouldn't complain though, I'd do anything to see my family.

I smiled, texting my mom telling her I would be there as soon as possible, when James walked back in. He looked at me with a sort of nervous expression, one that made my stomach drop.

"Slight problem," he said, sucking through his teeth, looking down at the ground. I raised my eyebrow.

"I'm sure it's not that bad, what is it?" I asked him, pushing some hair out of my face to see my keyboard.

"They're not letting anyone off campus, that blizzard is already in, it's snowing like no tomorrow."

I looked up from my keyboard at him,and forced a smile. I deleted the message. "It's okay," I said, starting to type a new message.

"I'm sorry, how about I make some coffee in my dorm to make it up?" He looked at me, running a hand through his hair. There he goes again! Acting like he knows me, being friendly. Maybe I forgot what it was like to get to know people, but he's really being quite close.

"I don't know, I could see if a frien-"

He took a step towards me, laughing. "Look around, everyone left, and if they didn't they're in their dorm. I promise, you will not die. It's going to be a long Christmas eve, why spend it alone?"

I thought about it for a moment. Why spend Christmas eve alone? I then smiled. "Sure, let's get this party started," I grabbed my suitcase.

He smirked victoriously. "I'll lead the way."

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