/ 10:45 P.M. - James's Pool Table /

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"I thought you said you were a physics major!"

"I am, but not in the physics of pool. Okay? Cut me some slack."

I snorted. We had just finished our third game of pool and I happened to win all three. It didn't help that James was the biggest sore loser on Earth. His little pout fit is way too amusing for his own good.

I started to set up another a game when I decided to ask what he was going to do with his physics major anyways. His ears turned as pink as his hair when I asked.

He cleared his throat and as he broke, he started talking. "I like physics a lot, but the one thing I like more is stars. They're just so... Beautiful, I guess. They're so beautiful for dead things. Add physics in there and I'm hooked. I like learning about the physics of stars and star systems and why they're there, I guess. I minor in astronomy, so I get the whole ten yards."

I smiled as I went to break the balls up more. "That's lovely. Still doesn't excuse your poor pool playing skills," I teased, getting a solid in. He laughed a melodic laugh, his hair fulling slightly out of his bun. It was a sight to see, him.

"Yeah, well, what's your major?"

I felt my ears burn as he asked this. I watched him aim, waiting. I then finally said it in the biggest voice I could muster.

"Art." Jesus, it came out like a mouse with laryngitis.

James looked up, tilting his head. "What did you say?" he asked, shooting.

I looked at him, speaking up. "I said, I major in art." The next thing that happened was quite surprising.

He laughed. And I'm not talking a chuckle, he was holding his stomach, his hair tie long gone and his hair in his face. He held onto the pool table for support, his stick clattering against the ground.

"Did you really just say you major in art? Why would you want such a dead-end major?"

I felt my eyes narrow as he said it, but it was true. It still didn't mean I wasn't insulted though, so I decided it was my time to leave with my dignity intact.

That seemed to sober him up really quick. "Hey, where are you going?" he called after me, his voice holding a weird thickness to it.

I ignored him and his cute voice and kept heading for the door, until a hand linked onto mine firmly, and I about fell back into him. He sat me down on his couch gently and sat next to me, facing me.

"Hey, why're you trying to leave?"

I then felt the guilt, I was leaving someone alone, on Christmas. Uh, hello? WORST time to be alone.

"You made fun of my major," I said loudly, sticking my nose in the air."We are not on that level where you can make fun of me yet."



More silence.


He didn't say anything, but he smiled. "Fair enough. Then let's get on that level, shall we?"

I nodded, looking at his smile, his chapped red lips made me want to melt. "Okay, then let's go."

He looked at me, tilting his head. "Where?"

I stood up and said, "My dorm, so I can show you why I major in art so you can make fun of it."

James stood up as well, slinging an arm around my shoulder. "As you wish, Bristle."

As we were walking about, I smirked. "Oh, and James?"

He looked down at me, rolling in his lips. "Yeah?"

"I get to make fun of your major tonight, as payback."

I really don't like ANs but I just needed to apologize for the lack of content and character in this chapter. This was my favorite chapter but I had forgotten to save it, hence the delay in update. This is a filler and more stuff is yet to come. Have a lovely day.

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