Chapter 3: Return to LA (Lindsay's POV)

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"You're really coming home?!"

"Yep. I'm about 10 hours away. I'm excited to see you guys."

I was on the private jet, Virginia far away from all of our memories by now. My older sister, Liz, was FaceTiming me from my Mac. Of everyone in my family, she and I were probably the closest. She was twins with our brother, Patrick, who I was also pretty close with. Besides the twins, I had a brother, Zach (the oldest of the family) and a sister, Olivia (the youngest). It was especially hard in my opinion to have a strong bond with a sibling in a family of seven (including our parents), but we made it work. Though Liz and I enjoyed different things, I liked to think that's why we were so close. After all, opposites attract.

Zach pushed Liz out of the way and groaned. "You can't come home yet. We had a party last night and it's still filthy up in this peace."

I said, "I don't care. I won't be home for a while anyway. Just have Sandy and Vince help you guys."

Sandy Williams and Vince Anderson were our housekeeper and butler. Sandy, a Britain native, was the daughter of a World War II veteran. Though she was not born until after the war, she knew a lot about what things had happened during that time. She told great stories of when she was growing up in the U.K., and most of which were about how she survived on rations and little money to support her family. Vince was the same. His grandparents were slaves, so he had his fair share of stories. Their stories would make me feel guilty a lot. Growing up on a privileged upbringing really shields you from the real world.

Zach said, "You make a good point. They're so used to our parties by now that they set up the beer pong table a week in advance." Before you say anything, my brother's parties didn't involve beer. It was usually soda or punch with maybe some wine or something mixed in there. He wasn't a big drinker, even if his friends expected him to be.

I said, "Well, I'm gonna log off now and maybe get some sleep. I'll see you guys in about 10 hours."

Liz said, "Okay. We'll see you soon. We'll send Mom, Dad, Patrick and Olivia your love."

I said, "Thanks. I'll be home soon."

I turned off my laptop and smiled at Tyra, who was the only one that was still awake. She said, "Siblings, huh?"

I said, "Yep. Siblings. I'm excited to see them though. It's been 9 months since I last did."

Tyra said, "I know how you feel. My mom and sister miss me a lot. It's lonely in Baltimore, apparently."

I said, "It's not lonely in Los Angeles, though. There's always something to do. It doesn't keep you from missing your family, though. I love touring, but it's hard not seeing your family. Texting and calling just isn't the same."

Tyra said, "I feel it. It's gonna be nice to see them in person. I'm still gonna miss you guys, though."

I said, "Me too. I'm gonna try to visit you at least once a month. I might be busy but I'll arrange it in advance. My parents love you anyway."

Tyra said, "I love your parents too."

It was silent, and Tyra said, "I actually had something to give to you before you leave."

She pulled something out of her bag and handed it to me. She said, "Open it."

I said, "Okay." I tore off the wrapping paper and looked inside the box. I saw a scrapbook and an iPod in there. I said, "What's this?"

Tyra said, "It's an iPod with all of your favorite artists on it. Maroon 5, One Direction, 5SOS, etcetera, etcetera. The scrapbook has some pictures of stuff from the tour."

I looked through the scrapbook. I saw a picture of us in Chula Vista, one posing by the Statue of Liberty, and on the Space Needle. I said, "This is amazing, Tyra. I feel terrible I didn't get you anything."

She said, "It's okay. Consider it a gift of friendship."

I said, "I'll get you something really special when I come visit. Thank you so much, Tyra." I gave her a hug.

She said, "You're very welcome, Lindsay. You should probably get some sleep. You don't wanna faint at LAX."

I said, "True. I've basically been hallucinating. Earlier today, I saw 3 of Cameron. You and I both know that's not normal."

Tyra said, laughing, "Night, Lindsay. I'll see you soon."

I said, "Night, Tyra."

As I closed my eyes and went to sleep, I felt not sad but excited. It would be nice to see my family again. The last time I had seen them was back before I released my second EP on Thanksgiving. Even then, I felt like it was a little impersonal because my tour mates and their families were with us. I was excited to have some alone time with them and start a new stage in my life. Hopefully it would treat me well.

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