Chapter 6: New Girl (Brent's POV)

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      Note: There's gonna be at least one curse word in here. Just letting you know :)

      After 4th period the next day, we went to our table to eat our food. Friday was burritos. I don't care what anyone said, our school had the best Mexican food ever. Perks of going to a private school for talented kids, I guess. 

      We all sat down at the table and started eating. Jesse was gone again. Something told me that he was avoiding us for some reason. I couldn't think of why, though. It's not like he hated any of us. At least I don't think he did.

      At our old school, the five of us always sat together. I sat next to Kevin, Kevin was next to Miles, Miles by Tyler, Tyler by Jesse and Jesse by me. High school was no different, except Lindsay took Jesse's place. He probably would have had her ass if he was here, so I was a little grateful that he was out and about with other friends. For only the second day of high school, he knew a lot of people already. So did I, though. We had a new friend and I was really happy for that.

      I didn't want to tell any of the guys, but I had a fat crush on Lindsay already. She was beautiful. I know that I didn't know a lot about love yet (considering I was a measly freshman), but I was sure about her. She dressed and sounded like an angel. On the other hand, I dressed like a retired 50 year old basketball player and had a deep, scratchy voice. Well, they probably didn't wear sleeveless stuff like me, but still. I wasn't really shy around Lindsay, which was definitely a blessing and a curse. I really hoped she liked me back, which was why I was so excited when she saw me shirtless and said she enjoyed it. If she liked me back, I would probably cry. I don't cry very often, but that's how excited I'd be. I just didn't want to tell the guys yet. Maybe another time.

         Tyler said, "So, are you guys excited for tonight?"

          Lindsay said, "What's tonight?"

          I said, "It's the school talent show. It's a big chance to show the school our talents and maybe make some new friends along the way. Do you think you're gonna come?"

          Miles said, "You should totally come. We're performing. We're last, but at least we'll be fresh in the judges' minds."

          Lindsay said, "I'll definitely try to check it out. What time is it at?"

          I said, "It's at 8. It usually ends at 10 or so, if that's not too late."

          Lindsay said, "Please. When I was on tour, we'd party until 3 am. I was always tired, but it was worth it. I'll be there."

           Tyler said, "Awesome."

       As the guys started to eat their burritos and Miles ate his salad (he was having stomach problems and couldn't eat certain things), I prepared what I was gonna say to Lindsay. While she was with Jesse, the guys and I had a talk and agreed that it would be a cool idea to let Lindsay sing for us. Maybe not permanently, but as a trial run sort of thing. We all knew she was good, but Jesse wasn't gonna budge. But I shouldn't be worrying about that right now. First, she had to say yes.

         I said, "Um, Lindsay, can I talk to you? This kinda involves all of us."

         Lindsay put her fork down and said, "Sure. Have at it."

        I said, "Well, the guys and I were talking last night when you and Jesse were alone, and we kinda came to a consecutive decision regarding you and Hydrogen. Um, we were wondering if you'd like to try out being our lead singer. It would be temporary for now, at least until we can find a way to maybe get rid of Jesse. We're not gonna force you to do anything, of course. We were just wondering if you'd be interested. Again, not forcing you. Just if you want. Do you think you'd be interested?"

        The guys all stopped eating and looked at Lindsay. She looked shocked, but in a good way. I saw her smile and she looked at me. She said, "Well, boys, let's get started, then."

         Tyler said, "Yes!"

         Miles said, "Welcome to Hydrogen, Lindsay."

         Kevin stayed silent, but he smiled at Lindsay.

         She said, "Thanks. It's gonna be fun."

         I said, "Hopefully it'll become permanent. Jesse's an asshole. I literally wanna slap him, but I don't wanna get the stupid on me."

          Lindsay said, coughing of laughter, "Don't worry, Brent. We'll cross that bridge when we get there. And about the stupid thing, I would suggest a gas mask. It's everywhere with that one."

          Tyler said, "Seriously though! I'm an idiot and I'm still smarter than him. He's already failing 3 classes."

           Miles said, "It's only the second day."

           Tyler said, "Exactly."

           I said, "Well, it looks like we're all in agreement. Right, guys?"

           Tyler said, "Fuck yeah."

            Miles said, "Obviously."

            I said, "Kevin? What do you think?"

             Kevin just gave me the thumbs up. Don't get me wrong, but he was acting a lot different since Lindsay came. Maybe he didn't like her. At least he was modest about it.

            I said, "Alright then. Lindsay, maybe you can come to practice tonight and just watch us again? Kinda like last night, but it won't end early. I swear."

            She said, "That works. I'll be there at 4:30."

            I said, "Great! I'm excited to see how it turns out."

            She said, "Me too."

            I smiled and started eating my food. I really wanted to get rid of Jesse. Having Lindsay in our band would be the first step to her being my bae. I just hoped it would all pay off in the end.








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