Chapter 5: Public Enemy #1 (Lindsay's POV)

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Note: I bet you've realized by now that most of the chapters are in Lindsay's POV. I plan on changing this in the next chapters. Brent's POV will be featured next chapter and the rest I'm still figuring out. Also, there's some profanity in here, just as a warning. By the way, happy holidays :)

       I didn't end up going right to the studio after school, mostly because I already had homework. After lunch, I went to Advanced English 9, Geography, and Spanish 1. Before you say anything, yes, my school does have 7 periods. I heard a rumor that second semester, we should have 8. We're still able to cram it into 6 hours, though. No wonder my classes were only 35 minutes. 

        When I got home, I showered (I was probably a mess at school but people were too nice to tell me) and started on some homework. In Geography, we already had to label and color a map of South America. Spanish was filling out a worksheet, and Math was doing 3 problems from the book (which basically calculated to 15 problems because each problem had 5 parts). I understand it was a talented private school with big potential, but the workload was probably gonna be pretty hefty. I didn't necessarily mind, though. School had always come easy to me. Even on tour, I was able to handle the work. Apparently I was so smart that I skipped an entire grade of math. I had gone straight to Algebra 1 in my "seventh grade", which was pretty rare at my old school and my new one. It couldn't be too rare, though. Miles did it too. Well, in his defense, he was super smart. Sorry, getting off topic again. I do that a lot.

          I ended up being 5 minutes early to the practice. I was planning on walking there and maybe listening to some J. Cole to clear my head, but my mom insisted that she drive me. My mom was a successful computer technician for Google, but she contracted breast cancer back before I left. Actually, it was in 5th grade. She recovered when I was in 6th (right before I left), but took 2 years off to recover. She finally returned to Google when I was in 7th grade. My dad is a lawyer. He graduated as the top of his class at Harvard Law school. My parents always wanted us to have everything that we could possibly want, but I already had anything. I had great friends, a career, and a family who loved me. It was all I could ever need.

            When I walked in, the place was so crowded that I had to push my way over to the stairs. The guys recorded upstairs in the store's recording studio. I had heard that it was an honor to be able to use that space because the owner of the store didn't lend it to just anyone. Luckily for the guys, Brent's friend's dad was the owner and liked Brent so much that he let his band use it. It was too bad that the guys were recording less because of Jesse problems. I really hoped that I wouldn't make anything worse. They were hanging by a thread and I didn't want to pull that thread apart. 

             As I found out soon enough, I was only the second person to get there. Apparently, Tyler, Miles and Kevin were at Safeway buying food. Even Jesse, the one who was badgering everyone to be on time, was running late because his pet garter snake refused to eat. I knew how bad he probably felt, though. I had 3 dogs and 2 snakes. Needless to say, they didn't get along. My snake, Jeremiah (not my idea to name him that) went through a noneating phase when I left, but Liz and Patrick were able to calm him down.

           As I thought about how much I loved my pets, I walked up the stairs to the studio. I was impressed with how big it was. I had one at home but it wasn't as big. We had to downsize a little when we put the bowling alley in. Yes, we have a bowling alley. Getting back on topic, I opened the door to see Brent half- naked. He was looking for a shirt in his bag. I tried to be silent, but I accidentally tripped over a pile of clothes on the floor. These guys were messy as hell. Not to mention it smelled like cow manure. Good thing I always had some extra room spray in my bag. You never know when you might have an emergency like this.

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