Chapter 2: Now or Never (Lindsay's POV)

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           Those girls had treated Matt with literally no mercy. He had broken most of the bones in his body and was rushed to the hospital after one of the few sympathetic fans called 911. Now, everyone had left the arena and we were waiting in the green room, waiting for Cameron to end the call with a paramedic.

            "Okay. I understand. Thank you so much for calling."

            Everyone sighed with relief when Cameron hung up the phone. Sarah said, "So, how is he?"

            Cameron said, "I have good news and bad news about his condition. Do you guys want the good or the bad first?"

             Brad said, "You know I like to eat my dessert first. Good news, please."

             Cameron said, "Good. It wouldn't have made sense if the bad news was first. The good news is that he's gonna be okay. He broke most of the bones in his body but he's gonna live."

              Everyone said, "Thank god" in unison.

              Cameron said, "Well, there's still the bad news."

              I said, "Oh, no. I'm scared."

             Cameron said, "The bad news is that it's gonna take a while for him to recover. The estimated time is about 8 months for a full recovery. As for the tour, we don't have a replacement lined up for him. I hate to say this, but we're gonna have to put the tour on hold for a while."

             Tyra said, "This can't be happening to me. I can't go back to Baltimore. I broke up with my boyfriend before I left and he's still holding a grudge."

              I said, "Isn't there some way we can continue without a drummer?"

              Cameron said, "The only way we could would be if I played the drums, but I don't. I'm really sorry, you guys. Trust me, though. When he recovers, we'll be right back to where we left off. This isn't the end of Lindsay & Co."

               We all laughed, and I said, "So, what am I gonna do about school?"

               Cameron said, "Once we get back to Los Angeles, you'll be attending Washington Prep. You were going to go there when the tour ended, thanks to me and your parents, and the tour is over for now, so, yeah."

               I said, "Really? That's awesome. It's been a dream of mine to go there and prove my talents to all those fake bitches who hated me back in the day."

               Cameron said, "I'm glad you're so optimistic. I'll call the pilot and he'll take everyone home. For now, let's head back to the hotel and pack up our stuff. We'll leave right after checkout tomorrow."

                 As we left the arena, various thoughts swirled around my head. What if Matt didn't want to come back when he recovered? How is it gonna be living in Los Angeles again? I couldn't wait to go to sleep and calm down about this whole thing. Who knows? Maybe it wouldn't be so bad. I would just have to wait and see what happened. 





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