Chapter 9: Change of Heart (Lindsay's POV)

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Note: I have a song in here, but I might change it. It all depends :)

    It was 8:30 and I was at home sitting in my recording studio. I wanted to sing something, but I didn't know what. I was scrolling through Spotify, looking for a good song. Suddenly, one came to my head. I turned on the sound recorder and got to work.

It's about time I figure out where I'm gonna go

If you don't like what I decide, you gotta let it go

I don't wanna be stuck in between, just wasting my time

So give me, give me, give me, give me some room to breathe

Who I'm gonna be isn't up to you, it's up to me

Where I'm gonna go I don't really know, it's a mystery

If I don't do it my way, I'll lose myself completely

Who I'm gonna be isn't up to you, it's up to me

Go ahead and try to box me in but that would be a shame

If you won't see what's underneath, I gotta walk away

Baby there's more to who I am outside of your lights

So give me, give me, give me, give me some room to breathe

Who I'm gonna be isn't up to you, it's up to me

Where I'm gonna go I don't really know, it's a mystery

If I don't do it my way, I'll lose myself completely

Who I'm gonna be isn't up to you, it's up to me

Gotta be me, gotta be free

Tell me are you listening

Gotta be me, gotta be free

Oh it doesn't mean anything

Gotta be me, gotta be free

Tell me are you listening

Though I'm hearing what you say

I gotta do it my own way

Who I'm gonna be isn't up to you, it's up to me

Where I'm gonna go I don't really know, it's a mystery

If I don't do it my way, I'll lose myself completely

Who I'm gonna be isn't up to you, it's up to me

Who I'm gonna be isn't up to you, it's up to me

Where I'm gonna go I don't really know, it's a mystery

If I don't do it my way, I'll lose myself completely

Who I'm gonna be isn't up to you, it's up to me

    "That was amazing." I turned to my left to see my brother, Zach, clapping for my performance.

   "How much of that did you hear?"

  "Oh, only all of it."

   I sighed and said, "Thanks for the compliment."

  Zach said, "I heard about what happened."

  I said, "How?"

 Zach said, "We live in Los Angeles, Lindsay. News travels like disease."

 I said, "Horrible analogy, but I get what you're trying to say."

 Zach said, sitting down next to me, "Why aren't you at the talent show? Your boys are going on in an hour."

 I said, "Honestly, I don't really care. They're not my boys. Honestly, I don't even know if they're my friends."

 Zach said, "You guys hung out today and yesterday. I know it's only been 2 days but you can't have stopped being friends that fast."

 I said, "Zach, they didn't even try to defend me. Brent actually took Jesse's side. He totally betrayed me. I think the reason it hurt the most is that I thought he was my friend."

 Zach said, "Did you think he was just a friend or was it something more?"

I said, "Just a friend."

Zach said, "Are you sure?"

I said, "Okay, maybe it was something more. But it doesn't matter. All of them probably hate me, and it's all Jesse's fault."

Zach said, "I agree about the Jesse thing. I know you didn't do anything wrong. However, I think you should keep trying."

I said, "What's the point? They meant what they said. I'm not reliable."

Zach said, "That's what they were brainwashed to think, Lindsay. I know they all like you, but they won't know you like them unless you try to get your spot in the band. Are you gonna seize the moment or let the moment seize you?"

I paused for a second. I slowly stood up and said, "I want to seize the moment."

Zach said, "Then do that. Don't let Jesse hold you back."

I said, taking a deep breath, "You're right. I'm gonna go earn my spot. Thanks, Zach."

He said, "Anytime. You better hurry, though. You have an hour."

I said, "Can you drive me there?"

He said, "Sure. Let's go."

I said, "Thanks!"

I didn't think I had a chance, but Zach was right. I had to seize the moment, and that's what I planned to do.

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