Ch 8: A Masquerade Ball...

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Masquerade Ball...

Key for this chapter:






""Not An Actual Speech or Thought""

Stiles straightened from his defensive crouch, ears still intact despite Derek's ringing roar. And then he blinked, "Wait, what do you mean Jackson?" he asked curiously.

'I don't know!' Cora answered on a yelp, 'Leah calm down, so we're werewolves, we don't eat humans, because A) Yeuck, and B), I kinda have an epically pathetic crush on you, and killing you would just be sadistic levels of masochism! WILL YOU CALM DOWN!!!' she screeched.

"Peter report!"

'Derek's temporarily feral, and Cora's trying to restrain Leah, me, I'm totally baffled as to how the Mountain Ash barrier is up?' he answered.

"Well, I can help with one of those, The Barrier, I'm keeping it up, connected via cellphone, and let me talk to Leah", he answered briskly, "After that explain what you mean by 'Jackson'?" he demanded.

'H-Hello?' a quivering voice interjected.

"Leah?" Stiles wondered.

'Y-yeah?' the girl whimpered, 'Who-what are you, what's going on?' she asked sounding six degrees of terrified.

"Well", he shrugged and then answered, "Welcome to the Wonderful World of Werewolves. Not to be confused with the Wonderful World of Harry Potter. Although we do have faeries, and witches and warlocks, though I've met no mermaids, leprechauns, time travels, or body snatchers, but then there were the gnomes, and Magical Transference over a telephone line, but you know I digress", he introduced jovially, "I'm Stiles", he grinned a tad manically, almost snorting at Thomas exasperation;

"He's a Drama Queen Miss", Thomas shouted loud.

'O-o-kay', she stuttered floundered no doubt.

"About Jackson?" he asked again.

'It's his howl', Derek answered.

"You're back", Stiles cheered, "Yay!" he did a tiny happy dance sequence.

'Sorry, lost my head for a bit, how far away are they?' he asked.

"About ten minutes", he answered.

'Be careful', Derek urged.

"You know me, I'm always careful", Stiles grinned.

'This coming from a guy who trips over thin air', Cora huffed amused.

Leah giggled and then quickly apologized, but the words gave him strength.

"Hun", he hummed an affirmative and exhaled, "Thomas, Alcătui"; he stretched a hand around towards him, and smirked.

"Again with your insipid Romanian tongue", the warlock grumbled sarcastically as several earth-made golems surrounded them, "Corpus Ritus", he whispered as he swung the sword in an arc and pulled it back, sword at the ready.

"Aunt El, if you have any healing magic, I'll open the circle for a second, you need to heal a pack-mate of mine, he's almost here", he called out even as the earth golems straightened awkwardly and guarded the humans in the circle.

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