Louis was sweating buckets. He sat in his new apartment, waiting for his boyfriend to get ready. It had been over a year since him and Niall started dating but Louis decided to come out today. Also, he wanted everyone to know who had stolen his heart.
He was nervous. He wasn't sure how people would take it. Every year at Jay's birthday, someone would tell him that he would have many girls after him when he grew up. Yet here he was about to introduce his boyfriend to them.
"You know, we could just spend the day here together instead." Louis suggested. Niall walked out of the bathroom with a small smile. He walked over to Louis, leaning down to kiss him. "No way. I've been waiting to meet everyone for over a year now. I'm not waiting another year."
Louis let out a sigh of defeat. He couldn't hide Niall forever. "Fine. Let's go then. I don't want to be late and have everyone stare as we walk in." Niall rolled his eyes and nodded.
When they reached Jay's house, Louis knocked on the door before walking in. Jay came over with a giant smile, wrapping her arms around her son. "Happy birthday mum." Louis smiled as she pulled away. Jay's eyes then landed on Niall who was smiling at the two.
"You must be Niall." The blonde boy nodded. "You must be Jay. You look even more beautiful then how Louis described you to be." Jay smiled, pulling Niall in for a hug.
Once Niall met the whole family, the couple decided to sit on the couch. Louis put his arm around his boyfriend while they chatted.
"Louis?" Harry came over with curious eyes. Louis smiled. "Hey there Harry." The younger boy simply stared at Niall. "Who are you?" Harry asked, with a frown. Louis raised an eyebrow at Harry's rude attitude. The small boy was always so joyful and nice. This year he seemed to be in a bad mood and rude.
Niall smiled. "I'm Niall, Louis' boyfriend. And you are?"
"Louis' boyfriend?" Harry asked, a little confused. Louis nodded. "Yes Harry. I'm gay. You know what gay is, right?" Harry nodded.
"Well I'm Harry, Louis' future boyfriend." Harry introduced himself to Niall. Louis coughed, choking on air. He couldn't believe Harry had said such a thing.
Niall chuckled. "That's nice." Niall didn't seem to see any harm in what Harry said. The boy was still a kid after all. But Louis didn't like the words that came out Harry's mouth. The boy was way too young to even think such a thing. He barely even knew what gay was.
"So if I were you, I'd be careful." Harry said, crossing his arms. Niall continued smiling but Louis was getting annoyed.
"That's enough. Just go get lost kid." Harry's face fell at the harsh tone in Louis' voice. Last time Louis had been mean was when Harry was 5. Ever since then, Louis had always been nice to Harry. The young boy hated this side of Louis.
Harry turned around and left, not wanting to get on Louis' nerves anymore.
Louis felt his body relax as he leaned back. Niall glared at him, making Louis put his hands up in surrender. "I didn't do anything. The kid was just being annoying." Louis tried to explain. "Exactly, he's just a kid who likes to talk. You didn't need to take it so badly.
Louis rolled his eyes. Niall was always the nice guy in every situation which made Louis the bad guy. He loved Niall but was annoyed by that.
"I know Harry. You don't have to worry about it." Niall was still mad but shut up. He leaned into Louis and the two stayed in silence. They were both mad but didn't want to fight.
"I'm going to go see if Jay needs any help in the kitchen." Niall announced, walking away before Louis could even answer. Louis groaned, knowing they would fight when they got back home.
Louis decided to step outside and see who was hanging around there. He greeted a few of Jay's friends before he sat at the large table placed on the grass for the cake. He took out his phone to see if he had any new messages when his eyes caught something. Harry stood across the table, staring at Louis with a frown.
Louis raised an eyebrow. "What?" He asked. He was feeling uncomfortable under the boy's stare. "You were mean." Harry said.
"And you were annoying. What's up with you anyways? You seem so gloomy this year." Harry rolled his eyes, making Louis' widen in shock. Harry was starting to have an attitude. He was way too young to be in his adolescence crisis. He wondered if something else was going on.
"Usually it's just you and me but you decided to bring someone else along." Harry said. Louis smiled a little. Harry was just jealous. "Come over here." Louis waved him over. Harry went around the table and to Louis' side. The older boy put a hand on Harry's shoulder. "Niall is my boyfriend. He comes with me everywhere because that's what you do when you're in love."
"But what about me?" Harry asked. Louis smiled. "You? I'll always love you Harry. You get a very special place in my heart.
That was enough to make the younger boy able to wait for another year before seeing Louis. They lived each other.

Years|| Larry
Fanfiction"But you're just a kid." "Indeed I am." or A men sees a boy once a year, watching him grow up in the process.