Louis nodded while some girl at his job talked. He didn't know her name. She was a simple assistant and Louis was going to be late if he didn't leave soon.
Louis had been lucky. All his life he dreamt of becoming an actor. Slowly, he started getting roles and now he had gotten the biggest role of his life. He was the main character in a romance movie based on a best selling book. He couldn't believe how lucky he was.
"I'm sorry but I'm going to be late at my mum's birthday party." He didn't wait for the girl's answer and simply walked away. He walked to his car, getting in and driving away. He looked at the time and saw that he was already late of a few hours. They filmed way longer then Louis expected but he couldn't complain. He needed this role.
He stopped the car once he reached Jay's house, seeing many other cars there too. He got out, running up to the front door. He walked in, smiling when he saw his younger sister Lottie. "You're not dead?" She asked. Louis hadn't visited for over a month with him being so busy with the movie. He hated himself for it.
He chuckled and shook his head. "Not yet." A head then popped out from the living room, green eyes staring over at Louis. "I thought you weren't coming." Harry said. Louis smiled, walking over to the boy. "And miss the chance to see you? No way."
Harry smiled up at Louis. "I heard you got a big role." Louis nodded. "I did. The only this is that I have to make out with a girl." He faked vomiting, making Harry laugh out loud.
Louis could feel a headache coming from all the work he was doing and everyone talking around him didn't help. "I'm going to go lie for a bit." He said. He started walking towards his old room but Harry stopped him. "Can I come with?" Louis nodded and they both made their way to his bed room.
Louis fell on his bed while Harry closed the door behind them. The teenager then walked over to the bed, sitting next to Louis' body.
"Still got that temporary girlfriend of yours?" Louis asked, voice slightly muffled by his pillow.
"Nope. We called it off when I told her I was gay." Harry answered, staring down at Louis.
"That's too bad." Louis said. His head then snapped up once realizing what Harry had said. "You're gay?" He asked.
Harry nodded. "I am. I have a boyfriend too now but it's also temporary." He casually answered. Louis couldn't believe what he was hearing. He sat up in his bed next to Harry. "You two discussed it?"
"We did. I wouldn't just lead someone on like that." His phone then dinged, signaling that he had a new text message. Harry took his phone out, looking to see who it was. "It's him."
"What does he want? Doesn't he know that you're busy?" Louis asked, already irritated by this boyfriend. Harry smirked, looking over at Louis. "Jealous?" Louis' eyes widened and he could feel his face heat up. He quickly shook his head. "No way. You're way younger then me."
"Once in bed, the age doesn't matter." Harry answered, looking down at his phone. "He was just asking me what time I wanted him to pick me up by the way." Louis frowned.
"His parents are picking you up later?" Harry shook his head. "No, my boyfriend is with his new car."
"How old is this guy?"
"17." Harry answered like it was nothing.
Louis fell back on his bed, not believing his ears. It was too much news in just one day. He put his face back in his pillow, hiding his blushing face. Harry liked older boys. He also talked about them basically having sex. He couldn't take it.
Louis sucked in a sharp breath when he felt Harry's hand on his back, petting him. "You seemed stressed. Let me give you a massage."
Louis swallowed hard. He didn't want to refuse a massage but if anyone walked in on this, it would be awkward.
"Can you lock the door first?" He asked. He felt weight being lifted from his bed and heard his door lock. Harry then came back. Louis gasped when he felt Harry straddle his bum and place his hands on the man's shoulders. "Just relax." Harry whispered, placing a small kiss on the back of Louis' neck. Louis could feel the goose bumps grow all over his body.
This wasn't right. Harry was so young and Louis felt like the teen was making advances. The problem was that Louis somehow enjoyed it.
Harry moved his hands all over Louis' back, making the man moan. "Thanks. I really needed this." Louis mumbled. Harry pushed Louis' shirt up, putting his hand directly on Louis' skin. "It's nothing. You always helped me."
They stayed silent for a quite some time while Harry's hands worked their magic. Louis then suddenly turned around, facing Harry. The teen stared at him, surprised by the sudden move.
"Do you like me or something?" Louis asked, wanting to know the truth. Harry raised an eyebrow. "We love each other, remember? More then anyone else." Louis sat up with Harry still straddling him.
"Yeah as friends. But, do you like me as a boyfriend or something?" Harry smiled, grabbing the crystal handing from his neck in his hand.
"My favorite memory of us is when you gave me this. I was so glad that you actually thought about me and that you cared. I felt like I really had a place in your heart. What's yours?" Harry asked. Louis bit his lip, thinking for a moment.
"When you told Gemma and I that penis joke." He answered. Harry giggled, making Louis smile. "That was cute." His eyes widened once he realized what he had said. Harry smiled, wrapping his arms around Louis' torso.
"I love you Louis." Harry mumbled. Louis smiled. "I love you too Harry.
Harry's phone dinged again, making Louis groan. Harry pulled away, grabbing his phone. "My boyfriend is already here. I'll see you next year." Before Louis knew it, Harry was gone. He had to wait a whole year before really knowing how Harry felt.

Years|| Larry
Fanfiction"But you're just a kid." "Indeed I am." or A men sees a boy once a year, watching him grow up in the process.